Les 2 soeurs de la couverture sont la clé de voûte de cette histoire,  번역 - Les 2 soeurs de la couverture sont la clé de voûte de cette histoire,  영어 말하는 방법

Les 2 soeurs de la couverture sont

Les 2 soeurs de la couverture sont la clé de voûte de cette histoire, mais le thème me semble plutôt l'amour : l'amour de Ryu pour ces femmes, l'amour qui lie des 2 soeurs, l'amour qui lie Ryu et sa soeur. Ne dit-on pas que l'amour est le moteur du monde ?
Jee-Yun et Jung ont d'ailleurs déjà abordé ce thème de l'amour dans leur série Kwaïdan.
Jee-Yun a choisi de planter son décor au Japon, où les traditions et croyances sont encore très fortes de nos jours, malgré la modernité de la vie. Le découpage des planches est très classique. Tout cela ancre cette histoire dans la réalité, et pourtant c'est un conte fantastique.
Ce premier tome nous donne le comment, mais pas le pourquoi, s'il y en a un, du pouvoir des soeurs, et pose le problème : Shu retrouvera-t-elle son frère ?
Le trait fin et gracile d'Illona est aérien comme la danse des jumelles. Il est cependant un petit quelque chose qui me gène au niveau des visages, peut-être une irrégularité, un manque de fiabilité. Mais cela n'empêche pas le plaisir de la lecture. Les couleurs aquarelles sont douces comme semble l'être Shu. Le gris-bleuté de l'île colle à la froideur des soeurs, les couleurs plus chaudes accompagnent Shu.
Je ne sais pas si les auteurs se sont inspirés d'une véritable légende, mais en tout cas cela donne au final un album intéressant et original, pour les amateurs de fantastique.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
The 2 Sisters of the cover are the key to this story, but the topic seems to me rather love: the love of Ryu for these women, the love that binds 2 sisters, love that binds Ryu and his sister. Don't we say not love is the engine of the world? JEE - Yun and Jung have also already addressed this theme of love in their series Kwaidan.JEE - Yun has chosen to set his scene in Japan, where the traditions and beliefs are still strong nowadays, despite the modernity of life. The cutting of boards is very classical. All this anchor this story in reality, and yet it is a fantastic tale. This first volume gives us the how, but not why, if there is one, the power of the sisters, and the problem: Shu find his brother? Fine and slender of Rajeev is air as the dance of the binoculars. It is, however, a little something that me gene at the level of the faces, perhaps an irregularity, a lack of reliability. But this does not prevent the pleasure of reading. Colors watercolors are sweet as it seems like Shu. Grey-bluish Island sticks to the coldness of the sisters, more warm colours accompany Shu.I do not know if the authors are inspired by a legend, but in any case it gives the final an interesting and original, album for lovers of fantasy.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
The two sisters of the hedge are the keystone of this story, but the theme seems rather love: love of Ryu for these women, the love that binds the two sisters, the love that binds and Ryu his sister. Do not they say that love is the engine of the world?
Jee-Yun and Jung have already touched on this theme of love in their Kwaidan series.
Jee-Yun chose to plant its decoration in Japan, where traditions and beliefs are still strong today, despite modern life. Cutting boards is very classic. All this anchor the story in reality, yet it is a fantastic tale.
This first volume gives us the how but not the why, if there is one, the power of the sisters, and the problem: Shu she find her brother?
The thin line of gracile and Illona air is like dancing binoculars. However, it is a little something that bothers me in the face, perhaps an irregularity, unreliability. But that does not stop the pleasure of reading. The colors are soft watercolors as seems to be Shu. The bluish-gray of the island sticks to the coldness of the sisters, warmer colors accompany Shu.
I do not know if the authors were inspired by a legend, but in any case it gives an interesting album and the final original, for fantasy lovers.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
the two sisters of the cover are the key to this story, but rather, the theme of love: love of ryu, for these women, the love between the two sisters, the love between ryu and his sister. as they say, love is the driving force of the world. the jee yun and jung had already addressed the theme of love in their kwaïdan. jee yun decided to plant the scenery in japanthe traditions and beliefs are still strong today, despite the modern life. the cutting board is very classic. this anchor this in the real world, and it is a fantastic tale. in the first part we give the how, not the why, if there is one, the power of the sisters, and pose the problem: shu will be her brother?
with the end of illona's air and graceful dance of the twins. it is, however, something that bothers me in the face, perhaps a deficiency, a lack of reliability. but the joy of reading. the colors are soft and water appears to be young. the bluish grey on the island close to the coldness of sisters.the colors are warm shu. i don't know if the authors were inspired by a legend, but in any case, this is the final album of original and interesting and fantastic fans.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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