mais je mets moi aussi Ce qui donne une note de 0, 8 sur 10. Du jamais vu dans l'émission. Votre soupe céleste ne sera pas au menu du palace cette année. Vous ne serez pas sacre le plus grand chef du monde.
but I also don't what gives a score from 0, 8 out of 10. The never seen in the show. Your heavenly soup will not be on the menu of the palace this year. You will not be sacred the greatest leader in the world.
but I also put What gives a score of 0, 8 out of 10. Never seen on the show. Your heavenly soup will not be the palace of the menu this year. You will not be the greatest leader of the sacred world.
but i'm too, resulting in a score of 0, 8 out of 10. never seen on the show. your soup will not be on the menu of the heavenly palace this year. you won't get the best chef in the world.