Olivier & Renaud VERSTRAETE Notaries relatedCivil society in the form of SPRLBusiness number 0826.184.137 RPM BruxellesBoulevard du Souverain number 2881160 AUDERGHEM2 02/672.22.02 02/672.22.58 info@verstraete-not.beCOMPROMIS DE VENTE OF A REAL ESTATE 15 O2-0314/001 - ABOA DESIGNATION OF THE PARTIES1. Mr teh Vincent Michel Etienne Robert, born in Brussels on August 17, 1964, national number 64.08.17 437-65, husband of Madame STROOBANT Isabelle Mu - riel Joseph André, domiciled at 1030 Schaerbeek, Rue Paul Leduc 17.Marie under the statutory scheme failing prepends its conventions ma-trimoniales union, non modified so far, as he says.2 Madame teh Brigitte Christiane Jean Louise, born in Brussels on 8 January 1967, national number 67.01.08 366-32, divorced and reporting not having done a statement of cohabitation legal, domiciled at 1320 Beauvechain, Rue de masses, h.-m. 29.3 Miss teh Geneviève Simone Christiane Marie, Consultant, born in Brussels on 9 June 1969, national number 69.06.09 378-67, unmarried and declaring not making a statement of cohabitation legal, domiciled at 1030 Schaerbeek, Rue Rasson 81/ET02.VAT statementThey say that Miss Geneviève Simone Christiane Marie teh has the status of taxable person for VAT under number BE 0864.081.245 identification number and that Mr Vincent Michel Etienne Robert teh and Mrs Brigitte Chris-BK Jean Louise teh did not as taxable persons for VAT purposes.On the one hand, hereinafter together referred to as: "the seller".AND:Mr SEUNG HYUN Cho, born at * the *, national number *,. Ms. HEE JIN Kim, born in * the *, national number *, domiciled at *.VAT statementDeclare On the other hand, hereinafter referred to as: "the buyer", engaging personally and with solidarity between them, their heirs and assigns of indivisible manner to the obligations arising from the present.(B) DECLARATIONS PREREQUISITESB.1. STATEMENTS BY THE PARTIESThe seller says:-do not have knowledge of litigation or legal proceedings under way concerning the good subject matter hereof;- and certifies be sole owner of the property sold and enjoy the powers required for RES-available.Each party says:-be capable; -that it is not fitted with an administrator or judicial Council;-in General, what it is not relinquished jurisdiction administration of his property;-that it has not been declared in bankruptcy to date;-that it has not filed request for judicial reorganization (under the Act, re-using in the continuity of enterprises);-that it has not introduced request for mediation of debts and that it did not intend to do so;-that his identity / appearance - representation conforms to what is mentioned above.-that his attention was drawn on the fact that his possible real estate professional quality may establish courts to enjoy more severely than legal and treaty obligations.B.2. STATEMENT (S) (S) RELATING TO THE PROPERTY SOLDB.2.1. family housingNo application.B.2.2. seizureB.2.2.1. vendorThe seller said not making declaration of exemption from seizure within the meaning of article 73 of the Act laying down various provisions of April 25, 2007. B.2.2.2. purchaserThe purchaser declares that it will not fund this acquisition with the proceeds from the sale of real property for which he had a declaration of unseizability.The buyer declares that he has sold - ago less than one year - a property for which he had made a declaration of unseizability and it will re-use, in application of article 81 of the Act laying down various provisions of April 25, 2007, the proceeds from this sale on the occasion of the present acquisition, to defer the protection laid down in article 73 of the Act on the immovable hereinafter described.(C) CONVENTION:The vendor sells to a purchaser, who accepts, the property following:C.1. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTYCOMMUNE of WOLUWE - SAINT - PIERRE - third divisionA dwelling house single-family kind villa on one floor with garage, patio, no-wise side and garden, located Avenue de Wavrans, number 5, surveyed according to extract cadas-tral recent section D number 0274G3P0000 for a capacity of three ares eighty centiacres.Non-indexed cadastral income: three thousand one hundred forty five euros (3.145 euros).Identifying parcel: P0000.In addition to buildings by incorporation are included in the sale objects furniture Jamahiriya: *. These assets are estimated at * euros.Also known as: "(s) (s) property sold (s)".The Purchaser acknowledges having visited the property sold and provides vendor to provide more ample description in this convention.Connection contractsMeters, pipes and other objects belonging to the company
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