(c omplètement overworked, ryu needs to go on vacation to get away. when it comes to a desert island, and the wild, he is unaware that he is actually a kind of temple here, oddly decorated with sculptures of women. when he doesn't come back, shu, prone to strange dreams, go looking for her. "lee yun jung has worked with her husband on the third volume of kwaïdan. for the dancer at the time, the roles are reversed and it is now running the story, jung, taking charge of the scene. but there is a contemporary story of fantastic with many factors arouse our curiosity. in three volumes.the series begins in a good way because it has the merit of intrigue the reader and give him a real anxious to know the result. this is a very positive development, which can be easy for the imperfections of the album. "if the idea of the script is very good and controlled.it is important to recognize, however, that the dialogue is often lacking, and in many situations the natural sound a little fake, just like in the movies when the players play well. from the point of view of graph shows a clear potential, illona, and some cases are carried out. unfortunately, the picture is rather static overall.in general, approximate expressions of the faces...... and working on the lights too risky, especially in the beginning of the album. "the rate of growth is still high, at all levels, but the fun is present with a story based on this design and a kind of charming. a series of follow up.
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