La French Tech désigne tous les acteurs de l’écosystème de startups fr 번역 - La French Tech désigne tous les acteurs de l’écosystème de startups fr 영어 말하는 방법

La French Tech désigne tous les act

La French Tech désigne tous les acteurs de l’écosystème de startups français. C'est aussi une politique publique innovante à travers l'Initiative French Tech au service de ce collectif et de la croissance des startups.
라프렌치테크는 프랑스 스타트업의 생테계에 대한 모든 활동을 입안하고 있다. 또한 프렌치테크 모토 하에 공적, 정책적 혁신을 통해 스타트업들 공동서비스 및 보육활동을 수행하고 있다.
L’objectif du label Métropole French Tech est de faire de la France entière un vaste accélérateur de startups : un réseau de quelques écosystèmes attractifs, les "Métropoles French Tech", qui concentrent tous les ingrédients (culture entrepreneuriale, talents, maitrise technologique, financement, etc.) répondant aux besoins des startups françaises, des investisseurs et des talents étrangers.
메트로폴 프렌치테크의 목적은 스타트업에 대한 총체적이고도 광범위한 액셀러레이팅을 수행하는 것으로, 매력적인 생태계조성에 필요한 인적 조직, 메트로폴 프렌치테크의 모든 요소(기업가문화, 자질, 주요기술, 자금 등)를 결집하는데에 있다.
Neuf écosystèmes ont reçu le label Métropole French Tech en novembre 2014. Retrouvez les synthèses des projets, des écosystèmes et leurs engagements à un an :
2014년 11월 현재 메트로폴 프렌치테크는 9개 생태계로 구성되어 있다.

Quelles sont les prochaines étapes pour les écosystèmes labellisés ?
Les écosystèmes ont été labellisé pour 1 an (un bilan aura lieu fin 2015), puis la labellisation est confirmée pour 3 ans. Chaque projet présenté a été formalisé dans un document d'engagement rendu public, qui vaut engagement moral, et bénéficie, par ailleurs, d’un accompagnement et d’un suivi tout au long de l’année de la part de la Mission French Tech et ses partenaires fondateurs.
La mise en réseau et l’animation entre les différentes métropoles : des réunions de coordination mensuelles, des séminaires 5 fois par an, des échanges thématiques, et une personne dédiée à cette coordination au sein de la Mission French Tech.

Qu’est-ce qu’un « Accélérateur de startups » ?
Par « accélérateur » nous entendons tout programme offrant des services à haute valeur ajoutée aux startups, leur apportant des moyens « industriels » et parfois financiers pour leur permettre de croître plus vite et de réaliser leur ambition de devenir des champions mondiaux.
Aucun modèle n’est imposé a priori et la diversité est fortement encouragée. Vous pouvez imaginer toute activité commerciale qui répond aux besoins d’accompagnement des startups comme des programmes de mentorat, de formation, d’aide au recrutement, de partage de technologies de pointe ou de machines (comme les fablabs), d’aide à la commercialisation (par exemple le montage de pilotes commerciaux) ou à l’internationalisation.

Quels sont les moyens mis à disposition ?
Dans le cadre du Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir, l’État (via la Caisse des Dépôts, opérateur de l’Action French Tech) pourra co-investir en fonds propres ou quasi-fonds propres à compter du 1er janvier 2015 une enveloppe totale de 200 M€ (le Fonds French Tech Accélération, géré par Bpifrance, filiale de la Caisse des Dépôts) dans ces initiatives privées selon les modalités suivantes :

- elles seront portées par des acteurs privés (éventuellement en partenariat avec des acteurs publics) : des entrepreneurs, des entreprises (grandes ou moyennes) ou bien encore des investisseurs ;

- elles s’appuieront sur un modèle économique viable ;

- elles seront porteuses d’une proposition de valeur forte et différenciante par rapport à l’existant.
Vous êtes un accélérateur de startups ? Répondez à l’appel à manifestation d’intérêts !

Vous avez besoin d'aide ? Voici les réponses aux questions que vous vous posez :
Le Fonds French Tech Accélération peut-il investir directement dans des startups ?
Non. Le Fonds French Tech Accélération n’investit pas dans les startups directement mais dans des structures d’accélération et des fonds d’investissement qui eux fournissent aux startups obligatoirement des prestations d’accélération et éventuellement des fonds propres.
Le fonds French Tech Accélération investit dans des Sociétés d’accélération et des Fonds avec accélération. Qu’est-ce qui différencie les deux ?
Une Société d’accélération est une société de services essentiellement dont le modèle économique repose principalement sur la facturation et/ou la valorisation de prestations de services.
Un Fonds avec accélération est une structure combinant à la fois un modèle d’accélération (services) et un modèle de fonds. Le modèle économique est fondé sur la génération de plus-values de cession.
Pour aller plus loin et trouver les réponses à toutes vos questions, consultez notre FAQ dédié à l'Appel à Manifestation d'Intérets.
[Mise à jour] Le Fonds French Tech Accélération a réalisé son premier investissement en avril 2015, à l'occasion de la levée de fonds d'Axeleo.

39% du chiffre d’affaires des start-up numériques a été réalisé à l’international en 2013 ; soit 2 fois plus qu’en 2012*.
L’internationalisation est un levier majeur de croissance pour la French Tech :
- par le développement international des entreprises qui doivent rapidement s’imposer sur des marchés internationaux dans une compétition mondiale ;
- par l’internationalisation de l’écosystème français en attirant en France des entrepreneurs, des talents et des investisseurs venus de partout dans le monde.

L’Initiative French Tech est une ambition partagée, impulsée par l'Etat mais portée et construite avec tous les acteurs. Elle passe à la vitesse supérieure en 2015 pour structurer sa dimension internationale autour de trois piliers :

1. L’émergence de French Tech Hub au sein de grandes métropoles internationales qui représentent des territoires majeurs de développement pour les start-up de la French Tech. Un « French Tech Hub » désignera, au sein de ces territoires internationaux, un « écosystème entrepreneurial » structuré pour y accélérer le développement des start-up françaises souhaitant s’y implanter et y renforcer l’attractivité de la French Tech auprès des entrepreneurs, investisseur ou média locaux. A l’instar de la démarche pour les « Métropoles French Tech », les « French Tech Hub » seront labellisés par l’Etat sur la base d’un projet répondant à un cahier des charges. Ces projets de French Tech Hub pourront s’appuyer largement sur un existant qu’il s’agira de renforcer et de structurer. Tous les détails sont disponibles dans la présentation et le cahier des charges.

2. Le lancement de la Plateforme d’attractivité internationale de la French Tech. Ce programme est doté d’un budget global de 15 millions d’euros. Une place centrale est faite aux entrepreneurs et investisseurs de la French Tech (implantés en France ou à l’étranger) à qui il est proposé de s’engager pour promouvoir à l’international la French Tech, c’est à dire leur écosystème, et y attirer des entrepreneurs, des investisseurs en capital-risque, des talents ou des média influents, internationaux. Cet engagement se traduira par des opérations internationales dont la mise en œuvre sera confiée en règle générale à Business France, mais aussi, dans certains cas, à des acteurs privés souhaitant assurer l’organisation et qui pourront à ce titre prétendre à des subventions.
Téléchargez ici :
1. Présentation de la Stratégie d’attractivité internationale de la French Tech
2. Présentation de la Plateforme d’attractivité de la French Tech opérée par Business France
3. Appel à projets : organisation à l’international de manifestations de promotion de l’écosystème de start-up français.

3. Un « pack d’accueil », le French Tech Ticket, pour attirer des entrepreneurs étrangers à créer leur start-up en France. Ce pack d’accueil contient une bourse pour l’entrepreneur et un accompagnement pour son installation, un titre de séjour et une place en incubateur. Le French Tech Ticket été annoncé par le Président de la République dans le cadre du Conseil Supérieur de l’Attractivité, et officiellement lancé par Axelle Lemaire et la Mairie de Paris en mai 2015.

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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
The French Tech refers to all players in the ecosystem of startups french. It is also an innovative public policy through the French Tech Initiative at the service of this collective and the growth of startups.라프렌치테크는 프랑스 스타트업의 생테계에 대한 모든 활동을 입안하고 있다. 또한 프렌치테크 모토 하에 공적 정책적 혁신을 통해 스타트업들 공동서비스 및 보육활동을 수행하고 있다.Label metropolis French Tech aims to make the whole France a large accelerator of startups: a network of a few attractive ecosystems, the 'Metropolitan French Tech', which concentrate ingredients (entrepreneurial culture, talent, technology, financing, etc.) meet the needs of French startups, investors and foreign talent. 메트로폴 프렌치테크의 목적은 스타트업에 대한 총체적이고도 광범위한 액셀러레이팅을 수행하는 것으로 매력적인 생태계조성에 필요한 인적 조직 메트로폴 프렌치테크의 모든 요소 (기업가문화, 자질, 주요기술, 자금 등) 를 결집하는데에 있다.Nine ecosystems received the Metropolitan French Tech label in November 2014. Find the summaries of projects, ecosystems and their commitments to one year:2014년 11월 현재 메트로폴 프렌치테크는 9개 생태계로 구성되어 있다. What are the next steps for labelled ecosystems?Ecosystems have been labeled for 1 year (a balance sheet will take place end of 2015), then labelling is confirmed for 3 years. This project was formalized in a document commitment made public, is moral commitment, which benefits, moreover, support and monitoring throughout the year on the part of the Mission French Tech and its founding partners.Networking and animation between different cities: monthly coordination of seminars 5 times per year, thematic exchanges meetings, and a person dedicated to this coordination within the Mission French Tech.What is an "accelerator of startups?By 'Accelerator' we mean any program providing high value-added to startups, providing them with "industrial" and sometimes financial means to enable them to grow faster and achieve their ambitions to become world champions.No model is imposed a priori and diversity is strongly encouraged. You can imagine any commercial activity that meets the needs of accompaniment of the startups such as mentoring programs, training, recruitment assistance, sharing technology tip or machines (such as the fablabs), marketing (for example the installation of commercial pilots) assistance or internationalization. What are the means available?Under the program of future investments, the State (via the Caisse des dépôts, operator of Action French Tech) can co-invest in funds own or quasi-equity effective January 1, 2015 a total envelope of 200 M€ (the Fund French Tech Acceleration, managed by Bpifrance, a subsidiary of the Caisse des dépôts) in these initiatives private as follows:-they will be brought by private (possibly in partnership with public actors) actors: entrepreneurs, companies (large or medium-sized) or investors;-they will be based on a viable economic model;-they will be carriers of a strong value proposition and differentiating from the existing.Are you an accelerator of startups? Answer the call for expressions of interest! Do you need help? Here are the answers to the questions you ask yourself:The French Tech Acceleration can fund invest directly in startups?No. The French Tech Acceleration Fund does not invest in startups directly but in acceleration and structures investment funds providing them to startups must be of acceleration and possibly equity benefits.The French Tech Acceleration Fund invests in companies of acceleration and funds with acceleration. What is the difference between the two?A society of acceleration is a mainly services company whose business model is based primarily on the billing and/or recovery of services.A fund with acceleration is a structure combining both an acceleration (services) and a model of funds. The economic model is based on the generation of capital gains.To go further and find the answers to all your questions, see our FAQ dedicated to the call for expression of interest.[Update] Fund French Tech Acceleration has made its first investment in April 2015, on the occasion of the Axeleo fundraising.39% of the turnover of the start-up digital conducted internationally in 2013; 2 times more than in 2012 *.Internationalization is a major lever of growth for French Tech:-by the international development of companies that must quickly prevail in international markets in a global competition;-by the internationalization of french ecosystem by attracting talent in France of entrepreneurs, and from investors around the world. The French Tech Initiative is an ambition shared, driven by the State but brought and constructed with all stakeholders. It passes into high gear by 2015 to structure its international dimension around three pillars: 1. the emergence of French Tech Hub within major international cities that represent major areas of development for the French Tech start-ups. A French Tech Hub» will appoint, within these international territories, an 'entrepreneurial ecosystem' structured to accelerate the development of French startups wishing to settle there and enhance the attractiveness of the French Tech from entrepreneurs, investor or local media. Like the approach for the 'Metropolitan French Tech', the 'French Tech Hub' will be labeled by the State on the basis of a draft to a specification. These French Tech Hub projects may rely largely on an existing one it will be to strengthen and structure. All the details are available in the presentation and the specification. 2. the launch of the international attractiveness of the French Tech platform. This programme has an overall budget of EUR 15 million. A central place is made to French tech (implanted in France or abroad) in which it is proposed to undertake to promote internationally the French Tech entrepreneurs and investors, say their ecosystem, and to attract entrepreneurs, and venture capitalists, talent or influential, international media. This commitment translates into international operations whose implementation will be entrusted generally to Business France, but also, in some cases, of private actors wishing to ensure the Organization and can therefore claim grants.Download here: 1 presentation of the strategy of the international attractiveness of the French Tech2. presentation of the platform of the attractiveness of the French Tech by Business France3 call for projects: Organization at international events for the promotion of the french start-up ecosystem. 3. a 'pack of home', the French Tech Ticket, to attract foreign contractors to create their start-up in France. This home pack contains a scholarship for the contractor and an accompaniment to its installation, a residence permit and a place in an incubator. The French Tech Ticket was announced by the President of the Republic under the Higher Council of the attractiveness, and officially launched by Axelle Lemaire and the city of Paris in may 2015.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
The French Tech designates all the actors of the ecosystem of startups french. It is also a public policy innovative through the Initiative French Tech in the service of this collective and the growth of startups.
라프렌치테크는 프랑스 스타트업의 생테계에 대한 모든 활동을 입안하고 있다. 또한 프렌치테크 모토 하에 공적, 정책적 혁신을 통해 스타트업들 공동서비스 및 보육활동을 수행하고 있다.
The objective of the Metropolis label French Tech is to make the whole of France a vast accelerator of startups: a network of a few attractive ecosystems, the "Metropolitan French Tech", which concentrated all the ingredients (entrepreneurial culture, talents, technological mastery, funding, etc. ) that meet the needs of French startups, investors and foreign talent.
메트로폴 프렌치테크의 목적은 스타트업에 대한 총체적이고도 광범위한 액셀러레이팅을 수행하는 것으로, 매력적인 생태계조성에 필요한 인적 조직, 메트로폴 프렌치테크의 모든 요소(기업가문화, 자질, 주요기술, 자금 등)를 결집하는데에 있다.
Nine ecosystems have received the label Metropolis French Tech in November 2014. Find the synopses of projects, of ecosystems and their commitments to a year :
2014년 11월 현재 메트로폴 프렌치테크는 9개 생태계로 구성되어 있다.

What are the next steps for the pinots ecosystems ?
ecosystems have been labelled for 1 year (a balance sheet will take place late 2015), and then the labelling is confirmed for 3 years. Each project submitted has been formalized in a document of commitment made public, which is worth moral commitment, and benefited from, furthermore,A accompaniment and monitored throughout the year on the part of the Mission French Tech and its founding partners.
the networking and the animation between the different metropolises: the monthly coordination meetings, seminars 5 times a year, the thematic exchanges, and a person dedicated to this coordination within the Mission French Tech.

What is an "accelerator of startups " ?
By "accelerator" we mean any program offering high value added services for startups, providing them the means "industrial" and sometimes financial to enable them to grow faster and to achieve their ambition to become world champions.
No template is imposed a priori and the diversity is strongly encouraged. You can imagine any commercial activity that meets the needs of accompaniment of startups as mentoring programs, training, assistance in recruiting, of sharing of advanced technologies or machines (such as the fablabs),To help in marketing (for example the mounting of commercial pilots) or to internationalization.

What are the resources available to ?
In the framework of the Investment Program for the future, the State (via the Caisse des Depots,Operator of the Action French Tech) will co-invest in equity or near-equity funding from 1 January 2015 a total envelope of 200 M€ (the Fund French Tech Acceleration, managed by Bpifrance, a subsidiary of Caisse des Depots) in these private initiatives according to the following rules:

- They will be brought by private actors (possibly in partnership with public actors): entrepreneurs, enterprises (large or medium) or even investors ;

- they will be based on a viable economic model ;

- they will be carriers of a strong value proposition and differentiating offering compared with the existing.
You're an accelerator of startups?Answer the call for expressions of interest !

you need help? Here are the answers to the questions that you ask:
The Fund French Tech Acceleration can he invest directly in startups ?
Non.The Fund French Tech Acceleration are not investing in startups directly but in the structures of acceleration and of investment funds which themselves provide for startups necessarily benefits of acceleration and possibly of own funds.
The fund French Tech Acceleration invests in companies of acceleration and funds with acceleration.What is it that differentiates the two ?
a society of acceleration is a service company mainly whose economic model relies primarily on the billing and/or recovery of services.
a Fund with acceleration is a structure combining both an acceleration model (services) and a fund model.The economic model is based on the generation of gains from the sale.
to go further and find the answers to all your questions, see our FAQ dedicated to the call for expression of interest.
[Update] The Fund French Tech Acceleration has made its first investment in April 2015, on the occasion of the lifting of funds of Axeleo.

39% Of The turnover of the start-up digital has been carried out internationally in 2013 ; is 2 times more than in 2012 * .
internationalization is a major lever for growth to the French Tech:
- by the international development of businesses which must quickly be impose on international markets in world competition ;
- By the internationalization of the ecosystem french in attracting in France of entrepreneurs, the talents and investors from around the world.

the Initiative French Tech is a shared ambition, driven by the State but scope and constructed with all the actors. She goes to the higher speed in 2015 to structure its international dimension around three pillars:

1. The emergence of French Tech Hub within large international metropolises which represent the territories of major development for start-up of the French Tech. A "French Tech Hub" will designate, within these territories, internationalAn "entrepreneurial ecosystem" structure to accelerate the development of start-up French wishing to locate there and to enhance the attractiveness of the French Tech with entrepreneurs, investor, or local media. Like the approach for the " Metropolises French Tech ",The "French Tech Hub" will be certified by the State on the basis of a project meeting to a sow. These projects of French Tech Hub will rely largely on an existing it will be to strengthen and structure. All the details are available in the presentation and the specifications.

2.The launch of the Platform of international prestige of the French Tech. This program has an overall budget of EUR 15 million. A central place is made to entrepreneurs and investors of the French Tech (located in France or abroad) to which it is proposed to engage to promote the international the French Tech, that is to say their ecosystem,And attract entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, talents or of influential media, international. This commitment will result in international operations whose implementation will be entrusted as a general rule to Business France, but also, in some cases, to private actors wishing to ensure the organization and who will be able to this title eligible for grants.
Download here:
1. Presentation of the strategy of international prestige of the French Tech
2. Platform Overview of attractiveness of the French Tech operated by Business France
3. Call for projects: organization of international promotion events of the ecosystem of start-up french.

3. A "pack of home ", the French Tech Ticket,To attract foreign entrepreneurs to create their start-up in France. This pack home contains a fellowship for the contractor and an accompaniment for his installation, a residence and a place in the incubator. The French Tech Ticket been announced by the President of the Republic within the framework of the Higher Council of the attractiveness,And officially launched by Axlle Lemaire and the Town Hall of Paris in May 2015.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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