100:00:05, 080--> 00:00:06, 390Here I do not know200:00:06, 389--> 00:00:10, 539all the professionals but I know alittle perfectionist and I am sure that300:00:10, 539--> 00:00:12, 699the badge this within the reach of all400:00:12, 699--> 00:00:16, 649It is sufficient to have reported damagem to the well headquarters500:00:16, 649--> 00:00:20, 479several recipes for macaroons fromless revenue for the Italian with600:00:20, 480--> 00:00:21, 2301 6%700:00:21, 230--> 00:00:25, 660recipe remains a sad with the eyesthen in a bain-marie and res more800:00:25, 660-> 00:00:29, 859simple recipe with morality cFrench i.e. everything simply900:00:29, 859--> 00:00:32, 390egg whites whip the whites insnow1000:00:32, 390--> 00:00:36, 649to add the powderalmonds and icing sugar is1100:00:36, 649--> 00:00:41, 659not more complicated than that the badge+ not little dye1200:00:41, 659--> 00:00:45, 139It is always important to have aproducts quality egg whites1300:00:45, 140--> 00:00:46, 079dyed1400:00:46, 079--> 00:00:49, 579that it must beseparate them at the forefront1500:00:49, 579--> 00:00:52, 600they must be of quality if youhave the farm egg whites or1600:00:52, 600--> 00:00:57, 050It is course, organic egg whites onlyyou have more chances of success1700:00:57, 049--> 00:00:59, 729the ground almonds it is important toafp1800:00:59, 729--> 00:01:01, 489roasted1900:01:01, 490--> 00:01:07, 010ten minutes at 150 degrees in the oven forbe exact aromas and a small2000:01:07, 010--> 00:01:08, 320little d safe g2100:01:08, 319--> 00:01:12, 429a very little bit of sugar powderto tighten the whites and there you2200:01:12, 430--> 00:01:14, 280should any of the dye2300:01:14, 280--> 00:01:17, 549avoid liquid dyes that arepurchases in trade that didn't go to the2400:01:17, 549--> 00:01:19, 130small butchers to cooking2500:01:19, 129--> 00:01:21, 599and that will not give you thedesired color and will change2600:01:21, 599--> 00:01:27, 859your device usedyes in powder or pack2700:01:27, 859--> 00:01:31, 079very well, you can mount your whitesegg with a false air of hand ca2800:01:31, 079--> 00:01:31, 828works very well2900:01:31,--> 00:01:34 828, 379with an electric whisk worksvery well also3000:01:34, 379,--> 00:01:37, 649Now if you have a robot caThis is the top3100:01:37, 650--> 00:01:39, 810If you are using a robot3200:01:39, 810--> 00:01:45, 579We will use and the whip and sheetfor the Cocoyam Medley3300:01:45, 579--> 00:01:47, 349Re lots of water3400:01:47, 349--> 00:01:50, 269in the robot it will be necessary to determine3500:01:50, 269--> 00:01:53, 649so the icing sugar and powderalmond it's called as an actor3600:01:53, 650--> 00:01:54, 859Pauleta misery3700:01:54, 859--> 00:01:58, 810If you have the chance to have a mixerespecially by a reprimand of time but not3800:01:58, 810--> 00:02:01, 219a mixer than a knife in thisstyle here3900:02:01, 219--> 00:02:05, 539no problem you master sopowder to adopt screening was4000:02:05, 540--> 00:02:08, 218avoided saving time already the headwith this4100:02:08, 218--> 00:02:12, 469AP accurate balance because theBread Pastry rigour c4200:02:12, 469--> 00:02:15, 639the accuracy of the weighing and it alsoIt's part of the important things4300:02:15, 639--> 00:02:17, 289a fishing4400:02:17, 289--> 00:02:18, 218Abdoulaye4500:02:18, 218--> 00:02:23, 239a plate to put in the ovenIf possible honeycomb because it will4600:02:23, 239--> 00:02:25, 819pass the heat theyallow for the development of the4700:02:25, 818--> 00:02:28, 469collar than this little thing that wesee for me4800:02:28, 469--> 00:02:30, 009The macaroons which4900:02:30, 009--> 00:02:31, 868This is what you want to get5000:02:31, 868--> 00:02:35, 258other than that need you an a marinatightrope to make5100:02:35, 258--> 00:02:39, 098the panel in fact the mayor who is inthe Pocket you will see earlier5200:02:39, 098--> 00:02:40, 099When it will compile5300:02:40, 099--> 00:02:41, 419need you a paper5400:02:41, 419--> 00:02:45, 219blocked simply with the helpwith a weight of each side and it does5500:02:45, 219--> 00:02:48, 769not addressed without problem5600:02:48, 769--> 00:02:50, 840PALOP need us our egg whites5700:02:50, 840--> 00:02:53, 299question5800:02:53, 299--> 00:02:57, 139that we will put into the bowl of the robot5900:02:57, 139--> 00:03:00, 149then there the way to work withegg whites is also very6000:03:00, 149--> 00:03:00, 860important6100:03:00, 860--> 00:03:04, 470do not assaulting them so we'llgo climb gradually we will6200:03:04, 469--> 00:03:07, 899try the frothing first andWhen they emerge6300:03:07, 899--> 00:03:09, 729It goes only at this time6400:03:09, 729--> 00:03:11, 729introduce the site6500:03:11, 729--> 00:03:15, 118psychologically you can alwaysAdd a small pinch of salt in6600:03:15, 118--> 00:03:18, 449your whites of eggs if we don't have italso works even if it makes me that the6700:03:18, 449--> 00:03:19, 659PS do not deprive you6800:03:19,--> 00:03:22 658, 519and also added a good view oftitle6900:03:22, 519--> 00:03:26, 929and we will start assembling theWhite therefore7000:03:26, 929--> 00:03:30, 429This starts at the speed7100:03:30, 429--> 00:03:32, 908one of thousands of people hadperi7200:03:32, 908--> 00:03:36, 198Israel had made7300:03:36, 199--> 00:03:38, 349the whites started coming7400:03:38, 348--> 00:03:42, 048It was at this time7500:03:42, 049--> 00:03:48, 088Woof Woof7600:03:48, 088--> 00:03:53, 868it perfectly makes the difference7700:03:53, 868--> 00:03:56, 699Let's wait a little while everythingwell integrated CA7800:03:56, 699--> 00:03:57, 999We will add ap7900:03:57, 998--> 00:04:02, 799cornerstone8000:04:02, 799--> 00:04:05, 688to begin the speed8100:04:05, 688--> 00:04:07, 778to do8200:04:07, 778--> 00:04:13, 588We will kindly wait8300:04:13, 588--> 00:04:20, 588Jordan made the difference8400:04:26, 968--> 00:04:28, 379supporter of the Festival8500:04:28, 379--> 00:04:31, 288We will add to this moment where thedye8600:04:31, 288--> 00:04:33, 120so there I chose a dye8700:04:33, 120--> 00:04:34, 269Grosse8800:04:34, 269--> 00:04:36, 008a little the euro supported8900:04:36, 009--> 00:04:39, 819so I would like to add 1 and white Iagain turn a little bit the9000:04:39,--> 00:04:44 819, 419time however the offensive is launched9100:04:44, 418--> 00:04:48, 149and now that we are going to introducethe sides and the methods for9200:04:48, 149--> 00:04:50, 448maccarone to act9300:04:50, 449--> 00:04:53, 449the mixing but white in the roundOrange9400:04:53, 449--> 00:04:57, 550I'll show the gesture case if youdo not robot9500:04:57, 550--> 00:05:01, 470at this time there carbon with emmamaryse episode which is therefore the9600:05:01--> 00:05:03 470, 479otherwise rubber spatula9700:05:03, 478--> 00:05:09, 248there if you get a chance to have a robotincludes the liver is all there9800:05:09, 249--> 00:05:12, 290wings over garlic powders arealready carpeted and weigh9900:05:12, 290--> 00:05:15, 710so sugar ice for recall and thepowder almond that has been roasted10000:05:15, 709--> 00:05:18, 799to vent it's nice10100:05:18, 800--> 00:05:23, 759a shot was smothered in the bowl ofrobot10200:05:23, 759--> 00:05:27, 889the Dakar proscenium recopa households tominimum speed ca it is very10300:05:27, 889--> 00:05:28, 769important10400:05:28, 769-> 00:05:29, 709left step10500:05:29, 709--> 00:05:30, 799oneself10600:05:30, 800--> 00:05:32, 908manage the speed at the beginning10700:05:32, 908--> 00:05:36, 699to avoid that recycling rates10800:05:36, 699--> 00:05:40, 579and after it is all the same tominimum speed is more10900:05:40, 579--> 00:05:43, 318because all confused flight11000:05:43, 319--> 00:05:44, 468is dropped11100:05:44, 468--> 00:05:48, 278ten seconds11200:05:48, 278--> 00:05:54, 209completed11300:05:54, 209--> 00:05:57, 219but now I'll show youHow to maccarone and if you11400:05:57, 220--> 00:06:03, 809do not robot that isonly your husband his life11500:06:03, 809--> 00:06:07, 1893 it is necessary to break the momentum of two false notmake here a gently11600:06:07, 189--> 00:06:13, 729should it go altogether rocard ofenvironment makes a movement going up11700:06:13, 728--> 00:06:16, 918appear to have awell brilliant mixture passes to11800:06:16, 918--> 00:06:21, 528Truffaut the largest brilliant lancetmacabre luster 311900:06:21, 528--> 00:06:25, 649and your mix must first make thetape the magazine welcomes it's the12000:06:25, 649--> 00:06:31, 139Ribbon in the focused flawless it istime now to set the device12100:06:31, 139--> 00:06:32, 449the socket Pocket12200:06:32, 449--> 00:06:34, 949therefore need us a premium12300:06:34, 949--> 00:06:39, 520for martin truex Jr. in the Pocket withoutpuncture once has been the12400:06:39, 519--> 00:06:40, 498Comforter12500:06:40, 499--> 00:06:43, 629with a small knife and how much12600:06:43, 629--> 00:06:47, 360Let's cut like that one is sure that ithas left the right size12700:06:47, 360--> 00:06:48, 810here was cut12800:06:48, 81
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