Free vous accompagne en République Tchèque. Composez le +33 au lieu de 0 pour appeler un numéro francais, le +420 pour un numéro local et le 666 pour joindre votre messagerie vocale. Le numéro d'urgence est le 112 (gratuit). Vous disposez du Pass Destination République Tchèque, valable 35 jours jusqu'à la fin de l'année. Vers la République Tchèque et la France, appels, SMS et MMS illimités, internet 3Go. Vers le reste de la zone europe, appels émis 0.22€TTC/min, SMS émis 0.06€TTC/SMS, MMS émis 0.19€TTC/MMS.
Free accompanies you in the Czech Republic. Call + 33 instead of 0 to call a french number + 420 for a local number and 666 to reach your voice mail. The emergency number is 112 (free). You have the Destination Czech Republic, valid Pass 35 days until the end of the year. To the Czech Republic and France, unlimited calls, SMS and MMS, internet 3 GB. To the rest of the European zone, dialled calls €0.22 TTC/min, SMS issued €0.06 TTC/SMS, MMS issued €0.19 TTC/MMS.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

Free with you in the Czech Republic. Dial the 33 instead of 0 to call a French number, a local number to 420 and 666 to reach your voicemail. The emergency number is 112 (free). You have the Czech Republic Destination Pass, valid 35 days until the end of the year. To the Czech Republic and France, calls, unlimited SMS and MMS, internet 3GB. To the rest of europe area dialed TTC € 0.22 / min, SMS issued € 0.06 including tax / SMS, MMS issued € 0.19 including tax / MMS.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

free to accompany you in the czech republic. dial 33 instead of 0 to call a number in english, 420 to a local number, 666 to get your voice mail. the emergency number 112 (free of charge). you have the pass destination czech republic, 35 days until the end of the year. in the czech republic and france, calls, unlimited sms and mms.internet 3go. in the rest of europe, 0.22€ttc / min calls, sms sent 0.06€ttc / sms, mms issued 0.19€ttc / mms.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..