cela alors qu'il a pourtant été démontré à suffisance que sa déclaration au sujet d'une éventuelle créance de kti en ses livres était claire en ce qu'au moment de la saisie, kti n'apparaissait pas créancière en lesdits livres
This then it has yet shown satisfactorily that his statement about a possible claim of kti in his books was clear in what at the time of the seizure, kti appeared mortgagee not in such books
that while he was nevertheless sufficiently demonstrated that his statement about a possible kti debt in its books was clear that at the time of seizure, kti creditor did not appear in such books
so it has been adequately shown that the statement about a possible claim of conditions in his books was clear that at the time of the seizure, the conditions did not appear in the books issued