les aefus et embryons sont preleves dans les cocons en ouvrant ces deriners dans une solution physiologique glucosee a 20 p. 1000. selon les cas, ils sont soumis immediatement a la fixation ou places en culture
the aefus and embryos are taken in the cocoons by opening these deriners in a solution physiological glucose was 20 per 1,000. Depending on the circumstances they are subjected immediately has the attachment or seats in culture
aefus and the embryos are levied in cocoons by opening these deriners in a glucose saline solution was 20 percent. 1000 depending on the case, they are subject immediately to fixing or seats in culture
the aefus and embryos are preleves in cocoons by opening deriners in physiological solution glucosee was 20 per thousand. according to the case, they shall be submitted immediately to the fixation or places in culture