Mécaniquement, toutes les machines ont les mêmes cotes donc on doit re 번역 - Mécaniquement, toutes les machines ont les mêmes cotes donc on doit re 영어 말하는 방법

Mécaniquement, toutes les machines

Mécaniquement, toutes les machines ont les mêmes cotes donc on doit retrouver le même delta.

Ensuite, le réglage de la Paddle étant ce qu'il est.....suivant la planéité de chaque pièce (Paddle, Wafer Holder, les doigts)
et la sensibilité de chacun, les valeurs seront légèrement différentes donc le delta également.

C'est le cas dans le tableau, pas beaucoup d'équipements identiques mais dans une même fourchette.

La "spec" 400 / 2800" est une aide avec surtout pour le down (400) la possibilité d'ajuster rapidement via l'offset soft une position DOWN inadéquate.
La plage down étant de 100 / 800, réglée à 200 on ne peut pratiquement pas la remonter via le soft.
(en gros, 200 counts donne 1,5mm de déplacement)

Concernant le LA04, on voit que l'offset "down" est à 200 donc proche de sa valeur mini (100). Si on le ramène à 400 par
le réglage du sensor Lifter Paddle on abaissera d'autant le up. => 400 / 2800 plus cohérent avec le reste du parc.

Pour moi, c'est plutôt le LA01 qui m'inquiéterait. 450 / 2200 OK en down mais le UP ne doit pas vraiment être UP et donc risque
que la Paddle ne décolle pas assez la tranche lors du Strip.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Mechanically, all machines have the same sides so we must find the same delta. Then, the setting of the Paddle is what it is... next the flatness of each piece (Paddle, Wafer Holder, fingers) and the sensitivity of each, the values will be slightly different so the delta also. This is the case in the table, not much identical facilities but in the same range. The "spec" 400 / 2800 ' aid with especially for the down (400) the ability to adjust quickly via the soft offset an inadequate DOWN position. The beach down to 100 / 800, set at 200 cannot practically be put it back via the app. (roughly 200 counts gives 1.5 mm travel) Concerning the LA04, we see that the offset "down" is at 200 so close to its minimum value (100). If it returns it to 400 by the Lifter Paddle sensor setting it lower all the up. = > 400 / 2800 more consistent with the rest of the Park. For me, it's rather the LA01 which worried me. 450 / 2200 OK in down but the UP should really be UP and therefore risk that the Paddle took enough off the slice at the Strip.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Mechanically, all the machines have the same dimensions so we must find the same delta. Then, the setting of the paddle being what it is ..... following the flatness of each piece (Paddle, Wafer Holder, fingers) and the sensitivity of each, the values ​​will differ slightly so the delta as well. This is the case in the table, not many but identical equipment in the same range. The "spec" 400/2800 "is a help especially with down to (400) the ability to quickly adjust via the offset soft inadequate DOWN position. The down range being 100/800, set 200 can hardly go up via the app. (roughly 200 counts gives 1.5mm travel) Regarding the LA04 is seen that the offset "down" is 200 so close to its minimum value (100). If cooled to 400 by adjusting the sensor to be lowered Paddle Lifter especially the up. => 400/2800 more consistent with the rest of the park. For me, it is rather the LA01 which worry me. 450/2200 OK but down in the UP should not really be UP and therefore risk the Paddle takes off enough at the edge of the strip.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
Mechanically, all machines have the same sides so we must return to the same delta.

Then, the adjustment of the Paddle being what it is ..... following the flatness of each part (Paddle, Wafer Holder, the fingers)
and the sensitivity of the individual, the values will be slightly different, therefore the delta also.

This is the case in the table,
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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