Traveling can have various purposes. People travel to meet new friends, or they travel to learn new things. People expect different things from their journeys according to their own needs. If I go on a trip right away, my purpose of the trip will be relaxing.
Right now I am preparing for an entrance exam for medical school. I dedicate all my time and efforts to pass the exam. I am totally exhausted. The exam is in August. After the exam, I want to break free from my daily routine for a while. I will give a good time. I'll mark a time.
I plan to go to Thailand on Sept. I want to go to Thailand for the following reasons:
1. I want to enjoy delicious food.
I love to cook Thai. I like tom yam goong, pad thai and green curry. I have tasted many cuisines of Thailand, Korea. I know Thai food are varied and delicious. Thai cuisine uses fresh seafood and unique spices. I want to experience true Thai cuisine. I will compare what they are as compared to those in Korea. I want to taste tropical fruits too. There are so many kinds of tropical fruits. They make me think of the image of paradise. I want to enjoy this paradise.
2. I want to experience the tropical climate.
I've never been in the tropics. I want to feel what it will be like in the hot sun of the tropics. I fear the cold. I like the freedom of summer. The summer heat gives me freedom. I can go anywhere in summer. I do not need a coat, gloves or a scarf. I know I will enjoy the Thai climate too.
3. I want to take a rest on a beach.
Thailand has beautiful beaches. They are perfect places to take a rest. I do not want to wander around. I just want to stay in a hotel and enjoy the sun. I will read books and enjoy a glass of piña colada.
4. I want to go to a non-English speaking country.
I want to travel a new place. What I mean by this new place is a country where not a single word spoken by me can be understood. Sure Thai people speak English, but English is used less than in other European or North American countries. I'm having trouble communicating with Thai people. But that is how we learn a new language. I like learning new languages. I'm very excited.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..