Vous pouvez nous retourner votre article dans un délai de 28 jours, à  번역 - Vous pouvez nous retourner votre article dans un délai de 28 jours, à  영어 말하는 방법

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Vous pouvez nous retourner votre article dans un délai de 28 jours, à compter du jour de réception de votre commande.

Si vous souhaitez nous retourner votre colis depuis un autre pays que la France Métropolitaine, cliquez ici.

Les retours provenant de France Métropolitaine sont gratuits et suivis. Nous offrons 3 options, vous pouvez choisir l'une d'entre elles afin de vous assurer que vos retours nous parviennent bien en toute sécurité. Il est possible que votre retour mette plus longtemps à nous arriver si vous utilisez l'étiquette comportant notre ancienne adresse postale. Si vous avez perdu le bon de retour qui est inclus dans votre commande, vous pouvez en obtenir un autre ci-dessous.

1. Vous pouvez retourner votre commande avec Colissimo, toutes ces autres options sont également gratuites et bénéficient d'un suivi :

La Poste - Déposer votre retour auprès de n'importe quelle bureau de Poste
Point-Relais - Déposer votre retour auprès de n'importe quel Point-Relais. Pour trouver votre Point-Relais le plus proche, cliquez ici.
Boite aux lettres - Vous pouvez choisir un jour et déposer votre retour dans votre boite aux lettres avant 8h. Le facteur pourra alors le récupérer pour vous et vous laissera un bon de retour dans votre boite aux lettres. Dans le cas où vous changez d'avis et que vous ne souhaitez plus que votre retour soit récupéré, vous pouvez le retourner vous-même auprès de la Poste ou de votre Point-Relais.

Cliquez ici pour créer un bon de retour Colissimo et choisir votre méthode de retour. Imprimez le bon et collez-le sur votre colis.

2. Vous pouvez aussi retourner votre colis avec Mondial Relay

Cliquez ici pour imprimer votre étiquette de retour ;
Collez-la sur votre colis ;
Déposez le colis dans votre point relais.

Trouvez votre point relais le plus proche en entrant votre code postal sur cette page.

3. Vous pouvez retourner votre commande en la déposant dans un point-relais.

Rendez-vous à votre point-relais KIALA local en leur précisant que vous souhaitez faire un retour pour ASOS
Une étiquette de retour sera alors ajoutée à votre colis - Pas besoin de le faire vous-même avant.
Vous recevrez une preuve de retour qui comportera un n° de suivi qu'il faudra conserver et qui vous permettra de suivre votre retour.

Vous pouvez choisir parmi l'un des 4000 points de relais. Pour trouver le point-relais Kiala le plus proche de chez vous, cliquez ici.

Assurez-vous de bien noter le numéro de votre commande et vos coordonnées. Une fois le formulaire rempli, placez-le dans le colis avant de le renvoyer. Ces informations sont indispensables pour procéder au remboursement.

Si vous voulez obtenir le même article dans une autre taille/couleur, ou si vous voulez un article différent, il vous faudra passer une nouvelle commande.

En fonction de la méthode de retour que vous aurez choisie, il faudra compter 14 jours ouvrés (hors week-ends et jours fériés) pour que votre colis parvienne à notre entrepôt.

Une fois reçu, votre retour sera traité sous 1 jour ouvré suivant sa réception et un email vous sera envoyé pour confirmation. Le remboursement se fera automatiquement sous 5 à 10 jours sur le compte que vous avez utilisé pour passer votre commande initialement.

Nous essayons d'accepter tous les retours et nous n'avons pas forcément besoin d'avoir le carton ou l'emballage d'origine à partir du moment où les articles sont bien protégés.

Dans le cas où les articles renvoyés ne sont pas en bonnes conditions, nous serons dans l'obligation de vous les renvoyer.

Avez-vous passé votre commande sur ASOS Marketplace ? Si oui, contactez directement le vendeur pour obtenir ses instructions et l'adresse de retour.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
You can return your item within a period of 28 days from the day of receipt of your order.If you want to return your package from a country other than the metropolitan France, click here.Returns from metropolitan France are free and followed. We offer 3 options, you can choose one of them to make sure that your feedback reach us well safely. It is possible that your back longer to happen to us if you use the label with our old mailing address. If you have lost the return slip that is included in your order, you can get another below.1. you can return your order with Colissimo, all these other options are also free and are monitored:Post - file your return with any post officePoint-Relais - file your return with any Point-relay. To find your nearest your relay Point, click here.Mailbox - you can choose a day and drop your back in your mailbox before 8: 00. Factor can then retrieve it for you and leave you a return slip in your mailbox. In the case where you change your mind and that you no longer want your back to be recovered, you can return yourself to the post or your relay Point.Click here to create a right of return Colissimo and choose your method of return. Print the voucher and paste it on your package.2. you can also return your parcel with Mondial RelayClick here to print your return label;Paste it on your package;Drop the package into your relay point.Find your point nearest relay by entering your zip code on this page.3. you can return your order by filing in a relay point.Go to your point-relay local KIALA stating you want to make a comeback for ASOSA return label will be added to your package - no need to do it yourself before.You will receive a proof of return which will include a tracking number to be keep and allows you to track your return.You can choose from one of the 4000 points of relay. To find the Kiala point-relay nearest you, click here.Be sure to note your order number and your contact information. Once you have completed the form, place it in the package before returning. This information is essential to proceed with the refund.If you want to get the same item in a different size/color, or if you want a different item, you will need to place a new order.Depending on the return method you choose, it will take 14 days (excluding weekends and holidays) so that your package reaches our warehouse.Once received, your return will be treated as 1 business day following receipt and an email will be sent to you for confirmation. The refund will be automatically in 5 to 10 days on the account that you used to place your order initially.We try to accept all returns and we do not necessarily need to have the carton or the original packaging from the moment where items are well protected.Where returned items are not in good condition, we will be obliged to refer you.Did you place your order on ASOS Marketplace? If Yes, contact the vendor to obtain his instructions and the return address.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
You can return your item within 28 days as of receipt of your order date. If you want to return your package from a country other than the Metropolitan France, click here. Returns from mainland France are free and followed. We offer 3 options you can choose one of them to make sure that we receive your feedback very safely. It is possible that your return put us longer to happen if you use the label with our old mailing address. If you have lost the right of return is included in your order, you can get another one below. 1. You can return your order with Colissimo, all these other options are also free and benefit from a follow-up: Post - Post your return from any Post Office Point-Relais - File your return from any Relay point. To find your nearest Point-Relais, click here. Mailbox - You can choose a day and place you return to your mailbox before 8am. The factor can then retrieve it for you and will leave you a good return in your mailbox. In case you change your mind and you do not want your back is recovered, you can return it for yourself from the Post Office or your Point-Relais. Click here to create a good return and choose Colissimo your way back. Print the voucher and paste it to your package. 2. You can also return your package with Mondial Relay Click here to print your return label; Stick it on your package; Place the package in your relay points. Find your spot nearest relay by entering your zip code on this page. 3 . You can return your order by putting it in a point-relay. Go to your local KIALA point relay specifying them you want to make a return for ASOS A return label will be added to your package - No need to do it yourself before. You will receive a proof of return which will include a tracking number that will keep and which allow you to track your return. You can choose from one of the 4,000 relay points. To find the relay Kiala nearest you, click here. Make sure you take note of your order number and contact information. Once completed the form, place it in the package before returning. This information is essential to make the refund. If you want to get the same item in a different size / color, or you want a different article, you will place a new order. Depending on the return method you choose , it will take 14 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) to make your package arrives at our warehouse. Once received, your return will be processed within 1 business day following receipt and an email will be sent for confirmation. Reimbursement will be made ​​automatically in 5 to 10 days on the account that you used to place your order initially. We try to accept all returns and we do not necessarily need to have cardboard or packaging Originally from the time the articles are well protected. If the items are not returned in good condition, we will be obliged to return them to you. Have you spent your order on ASOS Marketplace? If so, contact the vendor for instructions and return address.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
you can send us your article within 28 days from the date of receipt of your order.

if you wish to return your item from a country other than france, click here. "the returns from metropolitan france, are free of charge and are followed. we have three options.you can choose one of them to make sure that your back is reached in safety. it is possible that your return to us, if you use a tag with the old address. if you have lost the right to return, which is included in your order, you can get another below. (a) 1.you can return your order with colissimo, all these options are also free and enjoy a:

the position - file your return at any post office, file your return (over at any point tower. to find your nearest link, click here.mailbox, you can pick a day and file your return to your mailbox for eight hours. the factor could be back for you and will give you a good back in your mailbox. in case you change your mind and you don't want to get your return, you can get yourself to the job or your tower.- click here to create a good home and choose a method for colissimo. print and paste it on your package.

2. you can also send your package with global relay
click here to print a return label, and stick it on your package, your point and put the package in the relay. "find your nearest relay by entering your zip code on this page.

3. you can return your order by placing it in a tower. "go to your local kiala relay indicating that you wish to return to a return label for weather will be added to your package, you don't need to do it yourself."you will receive a proof of return, which will include a number of monitoring needed and allows you to track your return. you can choose one of the four points of the relay. in order to find the kiala relay nearest you, click here. "make sure you write down your order number and your name. once this form is completed.put him in the box before the fire. this information is required to repay. "if you want to get the same item in other size / color, or if you want a different article, you need to pass a new order." in terms of return method you have chosen.it will take 14 days (excluding weekends and holidays) to ensure that your package arrives at the warehouse. "upon receipt of your return will be processed in 1 day after receipt of the request, an email will be sent to you to confirm. the loan will be automatically in 5 to 10 days on the account that you used to get your order first. "we accept returns, we do not necessarily need to have the original packaging, cardboard, or from the time when the items are well protected. "in the case where the items returned are not in good conditions, we will have you back." - you had your orders on asos marketplace? if yes,please contact the seller to obtain his instructions and the return address.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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