a little bit of water. stir in flour and butter fingers cut into small plots for a sand and the butter consistency is absorbed. !!!!!! it must be done quickly so that the mixture is soft, not too!) in the middle of it. make the fluid sand mixture. the knife elements incorporated in the body quickly, give them.
to form a ball milling with palms and one or two to make it homogeneous. a mold (25 cm in diameter with the dough, populate the parchment and dry beans. the cook for 20 to 25 minutes, white, at 180 * c (control). (note: after the lower oven 120 c / 300 for the meringue. the pÂtissiÈre ":put the milk to boil with the perfume (vanilla or other). the work on the egg with sugar until the paste to the ribbon, add the flour. and pour the milk boiling the mixture in turn. "back in the pot over the fire. the cook turned very carefully. - withdraw after boiling. the pay crèm.
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