Si l'esclave mentait cependant... ce breuvage... Si c'était un poison  번역 - Si l'esclave mentait cependant... ce breuvage... Si c'était un poison  영어 말하는 방법

Si l'esclave mentait cependant... c

Si l'esclave mentait cependant... ce breuvage...
Si c'était un poison mortel...
Lâche terreur... voir son image...
Puis-je hésiter encor, quand on m'offre le ciel?
(à la Babylonienne)
Donne la coupe, esclave!
(Il boit; jetant la coupe, et avec un cri)
Ah! déjà chancelle...
Mes yeux sont obscurcis!
Mais... je la vois... c'est elle! c'est elle!
Que de cris sur ma lèvre... et je ne puis parler...
Je sens là, dans mon coeur qui s'agite et soupire...
Comme un aveu brûlant qui ne peut s'exhaler...
Ah! prends pitié... pitié de mon martyre...
Viens plus près! je le vieux!
Viens plus près!
Que ma lèvre effleure
(avec passion)
L'or de tes cheveux!
Qu'à tes pieds je meure...
Ah! dans mon vertige, je ne veux que toi!
Viens plus prè le veux!
(il s'avance vers le lit croyant y entraîner Salomé.)
Sois à moi! sois à moi! encor...
Viens! qu'à tes pieds je meure!
(Phanuel paraît.)
(presque sans voix)
plus près...encor
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
If the slave was however lying... this beverage... If it was a deadly poison...Cowardly terror... see his image...Can I hesitate, when I am offered the sky? (in the Babylonian) Gives the coupe, slave! (He drinks; throwing the Cup, and with a cry) Ah! already... I Falters...My eyes are clouded!But... I see it... it is! This is it!As cries on my lip... and I do then talk...I feel here in my heart which is agitated and sighs...As a burning confession may not be vent...Ah! have mercy... mercy of my martyrdom...Come closer! I the old!Come closer!My lip touches (with passion) The gold of your hair!At your feet I die...Ah! in my dizziness I do want you!Come closer... I want it! (it moves to bed believing training Salomé.) Be to me! be to me! encor... Come! that at your feet I die! (Patrick appears.) Encor...(almost speechless) more close... again
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
However, if the slave lied ... this drink ...
If it was a deadly poison ...
Coward ... terror see his image ...
Can I hesitate encor when one offers me the sky?
( the Babylonian)
Makes cutting, slave!
(He drinks, throwing the cup, with a cry)
Ah! ... I already reeling ...
My eyes are dim!
But ... I see ... this is it! this is it!
What cries on my lips ... and I can not speak ...
I feel here in my heart that stirs and sighs ...
As a burning confession that can be exhaled .. .
Ah! have mercy ... mercy on my martyrdom ...
Come closer! I old!
Come closer!
What touches my lip
(with passion)
The gold of your hair!
That at your feet I die ...
Ah! in my vertigo, I want you!
Come closer ... I want it!
(he advances towards the bed believing to lead Salome.)
Be mine! be mine! encor ...
Come! I die at your feet!
(Phanuel appears.)
Encor ...
(almost speechless)
closer ... encor
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
If the slave was lying however ... this drink ...
If it was a deadly poison ...
cowardly terror ... see its image ...
Can i hesitate Encor, when it offers me the sky?
(To the Babylonian)
gives the cut, slave!
(He drinks; throwing the cup, and with a cry)
Ah! Already ... I slipped ...
My eyes are obscurcis!
mais ... I see ... this is it! This is it!
that of cris on my lip ...And I cannot speak ...
I sense here, in my heart which is agitated and sighed ...
as a confession burning which cannot s'exhaler ...
Ah! Have mercy ... mercy on my martyrdom ...
Come closer! I the old!
Come closer!
that my lip touched
(with passion)
the gold of thy hair!
that at thy feet i die ...
Ah! in my vertigo, i do not want to that thee!
come closer ... i want!
(He moves toward the bed thinking there are lead Salome.)
Am to me! Be thou to me! Encor ...
Come! That at thy feet i may die!
(Phanuel seems.)
Encor ...
(almost without voice)
closer ... encor
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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