2. Vous avez une laveuse à jeter. vous appelez les services de la ville pour qu'ils viennent la chercher. -Quels services offrent-ils? Quel est le prix ? Quels jours peuvent-ils venir- A quelle heure peuvent-ils venir
2. you have a washer to throw. you call the city services so they come looking for it. -What services do offer? What is the price?Can what days come -What time can they come
2. You have to throw a washer. you call the services of the city to come and get her. -What services do they offer? What is the price? What days can they venir- At what time can they come
2. do you have a washing machine to throw. you call the city to come to pick her up. - what services do they offer? - what is the price? - what day can come. what time they come.