Quand j’avais 17ans, je préparais le bac avec beaucoup d’efforts. C’es 번역 - Quand j’avais 17ans, je préparais le bac avec beaucoup d’efforts. C’es 영어 말하는 방법

Quand j’avais 17ans, je préparais l

Quand j’avais 17ans, je préparais le bac avec beaucoup d’efforts. C’est une saison que j’ai passé difficilement et intensément. Un jour, j’ai fait une épreuve simulée de mathématiques chez moi. Je la pensais la plus difficile de toutes les épreuves passées, surtout la dernière question que j'essayais de faire encore et encore. Le crayon passait vite sur le papier, donc le bruissement de l’écriture était bruyant par rapport à l’air calme dans ma chambre. Le temps filait. Il était presque midi, mais je n’avais toujours pas la réponse. À la même heure, ma mère est venue, elle m’a donné un bol de nouilles, qui était mon déjeuner. Ma mère a essayé de me convaincre de faire une pause, mais j'ai refusé. Je continuais à faire la question difficile en mangeant les nouilles. Soudain, j’ai trouvé que le crayon était devenu un peu plus long et rugueux. J’ai regardé du papier à ma main, et, à mon étonnement, j’ai découvert que j’écrivais avce les baguettes que j’avais utilisées pour prendre les nouilles.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
When I was 17, I was preparing the tray with much effort. This is a season I spent hard and intensely. One day, I made a test simulated math home. I thought it the most difficult of all events past, especially the last question I was trying to do again and again. The pencil going quickly on paper, so the rustling of Scripture was noisy compared to still air in my room. The time flew. It was almost noon, but I didn't always have the answer. At the same time, my mother came, she gave me a bowl of noodles, which was my lunch. My mother tried to convince me to take a break, but I refused. I continued to do the difficult question by eating noodles. Suddenly, I found that the pen had become rough and a little longer. I looked at the paper in my hand, and, to my astonishment, I discovered that I was writing avce chopsticks that I had used to make noodles.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
When I was 17 years old, I prepared the tray with great effort. It's a season I spent hard and intensely. One day I did a simulated test of mathematics at home. I thought the most difficult of all past events, especially the last question I was trying to do again and again. The pencil went faster on paper, so the rustle of writing was noisy compared to the calm air in my room. The time sped. It was almost noon, but I still did not reply. At the same time, my mother came, she gave me a bowl of noodles that was my lunch. My mother tried to convince me to take a break, but I refused. I continued to make the difficult question when eating noodles. Suddenly, I found that the pencil had become somewhat longer and rough. I looked at my hand paper, and, to my astonishment, I discovered that I was writing avce chopsticks that I used to make noodles.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
when i was 17, i was leaving school with a lot of effort. it is a season that i was difficult and hard. one day, i had a math test in simulated mine. i thought it was the most difficult of all past events, especially the last point that i was trying to do it again and again. the pencil was fast on the paper.the sound of the writing was so loud in the quiet in the room. time flies. it was almost noon, but i didn't answer. at the same time, my mother came to me, she gave me a bowl of noodles, that was my lunch. my mother tried to persuade me to take a break, but i refused.i continued to do the difficult question to eat noodles. suddenly, i found that the pen was a bit rough. i looked at the paper in my hand, and i was surprised, i found that i was with chopsticks that i used to make noodles.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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