Opéra en 4 Actes et 7 Tableaux
de M.M. P. Milliet, H. Grémont, A. Zanardini
Musique de J. Massenet
Jean, Ténor
Hérode, Baryton
Phanuel, Basse
Vitellius, Baryton
Un Grand Prêtre, 2e Baryton
Une Voix, Ténor
Salomé, Soprano
Hérodiade, Mezzo-soprano
Une jeune Babylonienne, Soprano
Marchands, Soldats, Juifs, Soldats Romains, Prêtres, Lévites, Serviteurs du Temple, Marins, Pharisiens, Scribes
Galiléens, Samaritains, Saducéens, Éthiopiens, Nubiens, Arabes, Romains
1er Acte: La Promenade des Esclaves
2e Acte: Danse Babylonienne
3e Acte: Danse sacrée
4e Acte: Ballet:
I. Égyptiennes
II. Babyloniennes
III. Gauloises
IV. Phéniciennes
V. Final
Acte I
Scène I
(Une grande cour dans l'intérieur de palais d'Hérode à Jérusalem dans le lointain Le Mer Morte entourée des collines de la Judée.
C'est l'aurore - presque la nuit encore; des chefs sont endormis à terre près de la barrière qui sépare le palais de la vallée où les caravanes reposent en attendant le jour.
Le jour paraît)
(les chefs s'éveillent, se lèvent et appellent les marchands.)
(en scène)
Alerte! Levez-vous!
Le palais est ouvert!
Alerte! Vous tous qui venez du désert,
Alerte! Alerte! Debout!
(L'esclaves dans les coulisses)
Alerte! Le palais est ouvert!
Alerte! Le palais est ouvert!
(les esclaves portant de lourds fardeau gravissent lentement la côte.)
Voici que le jour se lève,
Nous avons touché le but.
Notre voyage s'achève,
Ô Jérusalem! Jérusalem, salut!
Au bord des claires fontaines
Au bord des claires fontaines
Nous pourrons nous rafraîchir,
Quand de plus chaudes haleines
Sur les sables vont courir!
Notre voyage s'achève!
Ô Jérusalem! Jérusalem, salut
(avec autorité, aux esclaves)
Que dès l'abord on remarque
Dans ce que vous apportez,
Les dons offerts au Tétrarque
Par ses nombreuses cités!
Séparez l'or et les baumes,
Les ivoires et l'argent!
(les esclaves ouvrent les ballots et étalent les présents, les parfums et les étoffes.)
Voici l'ambre de Judée!
Voici les parfums d'Ophir!
Voici les pistaches, d'Idumée!
L'ambre de Judée! Les parfums d'Ophir!
Séparez l'or et l'argent!
Rangez l'encens, les arômes!
Séparez l'or et l'argent!
(Ténors - 1er Groupe, avec orgueil)
Nous arrivons des plus lointaines villes
Sans fatiguer nos chevaux de Saron!
(Basses - 2e Groupe, de même)
Mais no chevaux ne sont pas moins agiles;
Nous avons pris cette pourpre à Sidon!
1er Groupe
Ah! le Samaritain! Ah! le Samaritain! Nous chevaux ont des ailes!
2e Groupe
(avec mépris)
Ah! le Pharisien! Ah! le Pharisien! Comme les sauterelles
Des rives du Jourdain!
(les esclaves se mêlant à la dispute)
Quoi! cette indigne race
Ose nous outrager!
D'une pareille audace
Nous saurons nous venger!
Va! va! Samaritain! Samaritain! Samaritain!
Nous acceptons la lutte! Samaritain! Samaritain!
Nous acceptons la lutte!
Croient-ils vraiment nous égaler?
Quoi! cette indigne race
Ose nous outrager!
Croient-ils vraiment les égaler?
Samaritain! Nous acceptions la lutte!
Nous saurons nous venger!
Croient-ils vraiment les égaler? Pharisien!
En acceptant le lutte, Ils sauront se venger!
D'une pareille audace
Ils sauront se venger!
Va! va! Samaritain!
Croient-ils vraiment nous égaler!
(tous, avec respect et criante)
Le Chaldéen!
Encore une dispute!
Eh! quoi! toujours se quereller?
Le monde est inquiet, la patrie est en larmes.
Et les voilà! les voilà contre eux-mêmes,
contre eux tournant leurs armes!
Les insensés! les insensés!
Les débiles humains
Ils en viennent aux mains!
Ils restent sourds à la voix immortelle,
à la voix immortelle
Qui leur répète: Amour! Pardon!
Vie éternelle! Amour! Pardon!
Amour! Vie éternelle!
L'avenir est trompeur!
Faut-il ouvrir son coeur à l'espérance vaine?
Non! Contre les Romains la révolte est prochaine...
J'arrive de pays lointains
Où les actes suivront de très près les paroles.
Bientôt tout changera, les lois et les symboles!
Jusqu'à ce jour ce qu'on nous a promis
N'allège pas le joug des ennemis!
(avec amertume et découragement)
Soit! N'espèrez donc rien! rien! pour suivez votre route...
Pour moi, j'attends... j'attends, calme et sans doute,
Des jours meilleurs, des jours meilleurs,
J'attends des jours meilleurs pour notre humanité!
pour notre humanité!
(Les marchands et les esclaves descendent à la ville. Les chefs entrent dans le palais. Phanuel considère tristement la caravane qui s'éloigne. Salomé sort par la gauche du Palais, inquiète, indécise; elle aperçoit Phanuel et s'approche de lui.)
(avec surprise)
Ah! Salomé! dans ce palais quelle destinée t'amène?
(à part)
Ignore-t'elle encor de quel sang elle est née?
(à Salomé)
Pourquoi de Siloé as-tu quitté les bords heureux?
(triste et simple)
Phanuel...sans cesse...je cherche ma mère!
Une voix me criait: espère!
Cours à Jérusalem!
Je ne l'ai pas trouvée hélas!
Et je reste seule ici-bas!
Celui dont la parole efface toutes peines,
Le Prophète est ici! c'est vers lui que je vais!
Il est doux, il est bon, sa parole est sereine:
Il parle... tout se tait...
Plus léger sur la plaine
L'air attentif passe sans bruit...
Il parle...
(avec ardeur)
Ah! quand reviendra-t-il? quand pourrai-je l'entendre?
Je souffrais... j'étais seule et mon coeur s'est calmé
En écoutant sa voix mélodieuse et tendre,
Mon coeur s'est calmé!
(avec élan et amour)
Prophète bien aimé, puis-je vivre sans toi!
Prophète bien aimé, puis-je vivre... vivre sans toi!
C'est là! dans ce désert où la foule étonnée
Avait suivi ses pas,
(poco a poco appassionato)
Qu'il m'accueillit un jour, enfant abandonnée!
Et qu'il m'ouvrit ses bras!
Il est doux, il est bon,
Sa parole est sereine,
Il parle... tout se tait... plus léger sur la plaine...
L'air attentif passe sans bruit...
Il parle!
(avec ardeur)
Ah! quand reviendra-t-il?
Quand pourrai-je l'entendre?
Je souffrais... j'étais seule et mon coeur s'est calmé
En écoutant sa voix mélodieuse et tendre,
Mon coeur s'est calmé!
(avec élan et amour)
Prophète bien aimé, puis-je vivre sans toi!
Prophète bien aimé, puis-je vivre... vivre sans toi!
Ah! quand reviendra-t-il? quand pourrai-je l'entendre!
Prophète bien-aimé, puis-je vivre sans toi!
la caravane au loin, dans la vallée)
Jérusalem! Jérusalem salut! ville fortunée!
Jérusalem, salut! Jérusalem! Jérusalem!
(à Salomé)
Tu le veux!
Pars, enfant, la foi t'éclaire
Elle te guidera!
Et dans ce palais veillera
Un ami fidèle et sincère! adieu! Salomé...
Phanuel! adieu!
(Phanuel est allé vers la balustrade, il accompagne Salomé du regard, puis il s'éloigne.)
Scène II
(Par la droite du jardin paraissent les Esclaves du Roi qui, sous la conduite de leurs gardiens, se dirigent vers le Palais. C'est la Promenade des Danseuses du Palais. Hérode entre précipitamment par la porte qui a précédemment livré passage à Salomé; d'un regard inquiet il parcourt les groupes des Danseuses qui s'éloignent, et voit que Salomé n'est plus parmi elles.)
Elle a fui le palais...
Elle a quitté ces lieux...et soudain l'angoisse a pénétré mon âme!
Déesse ou femme au charme séducteur!
Forme à peine entrevue et qui déjà m'es chère,
Reviens encor! reviens, rêve enchanteur!
Salomé! Salomé! ah! reviens! je te veux! c'est ma voix qui t'implore!
Salomé! Salomé!
Quelle ivresse ineffable illumine mes cieux!
Mon rayon de soleil c'est l'éclat de tes yeux! c'est toi! toi que j'attends! je te veux, je t'adore!
Salomé! Salomé! je te veux reviens!
Scène III
(Hérodiade paraît, pâle, égarée.)
(à Hérode)
Venge-moi d'une suprême offense!
C'est de toi, de toi seul que j'attends ma vengeance!
J'allais ce matin au désert,
Quand un homme à peine couvert,
Le front menaçant, la voix brève.
(la voix entrecoupée)
Se dresse... au milieu... du chemin!
comme un vent d'orage se lève,
Sa voix invoquant le destin,
Me poursuit... me trouble... et m'outrage!
Tremble, me dit-il! tremble, Jézabel!!
Que de fléaux sont ton ouvrage!
Il faut en rendre compte au ciel?
Va, la colère du prophète a fait appel aux nations:
Bientôt tu courberas la tête
Devant leurs malédictions!
Quel est cet homme?
C'est Jean! c'est l'apôtre infâme
Qui prêche le baptême et la nouvelle foi!
Que puis-je? que veux-tu de moi!
(avec énergie)
C'est sa tête que je réclame!
(avec horreur)
Hérode! Hérode!
Ne me refuse pas!
Ne me refuse pas!
Hérode... Rappelle-toi!
(avec une tendresse suppliante)
Ne me refuse pas!
Toi! mon seul bien!
Pour qui j'ai tout quitté, mon pays et ma fille;
N'es-tu pas mon soutien,
Et ma seul famille?
Ne me refuse pas! Ne me refuse pas!
Rappelle-toi le Tibrè avec ses bords ombreux,
Nous vivions sans compter les heures fugitives,
Nos timides baisers étaient nos seuls aveux.
Nous n'avions pour témoins que les vagues plaintives!
Le soir, sous les grands pins, nos serments répétés
Eveillaient des échos inconnus à la terre,
Et l'astre de la nuit, dans ses molles clartés,
Enveloppait nos coeurs d'amour... et de mystère!
Hérode! Hérode! Hérode!
Ne me refuse pas; toi, mon seul bien!
Pour qui j'ai tout quitté mon pays et ma fille;
N'es-tu pas mon soutien,
Et ma seule famille?
Ne me refuse pas! Ne me refuse pas!
Rappelle-toi! Hérode! Hérode!
Ah! Ne me refuse pas!
Pour toi j'ai tout quitté, mon pays et ma fille...
Ne me refuse pas! Rappelle-toi!
(la repoussant)
HerodiasOpera in 4 acts and 7 tablesby M.M. P. Milliet, H. Wintmon, A. ZanardiniMusic by J. MassenetPersonaggi:Jean, TenorHerod, baritonePatrick bassVitellius, baritoneA high priest, 2nd baritone A voice, TenorSalome, SopranoHerodias, Mezzo-soprano A young Babylonian, Soprano BACKING VOCALSMerchants, soldiers, Jews, Roman soldiers, priests, Levites, servants of the Temple, sailors, Pharisees, Scribes PEOPLEGalilean, Samaritans, Saduceens, Ethiopian, Nubian, Arab, Roman DANCES1st Act: La Promenade slave2nd Act: dance Babylonian3rd Act: sacred dance4th Act: Ballet:I. EgyptianII. BabylonianIII. GauloisesIV. PhoenicianFinal V. Act I Scene I (A large courtyard in the Interior of Palace of Herod in Jerusalem in the distance the sea dead surrounded by the hills of Judea. It is dawn - almost the night yet. leaders are sleeping on land near the barrier that separates the Palace of the Valley where caravans rest pending agenda. CURTAIN The day appears)(heads awaken, get up and call the merchants.) HEADS (staged) Alert! Stand up!The Palace is open!Alert! All of you who come from the desert,Alert! Alert! Standing! THE slaves and the MERCHANTS (The slaves behind the scenes) Alert! The Palace is open!Alert! The Palace is open! (slaves bearing heavy burden climb slowly up the coast.) THE slaves and the MERCHANTS Here is that the day dawns,We hit the goal.Our journey ends,O Jerusalem! Jerusalem, Hi! THE SLAVES At the edge of the clear fountains MERCHANTS At the edge of the clear fountains THE slaves and the MERCHANTS We refresh us,When of warm breathSands will run!Our journey ends!O Jerusalem! Jerusalem, Hi HEADS (with authority, to the slaves) From the outset we noteIn what you bring,Donations to the TetrarchThrough its many cited!Separate gold and balms,The ivories and money! (slaves open the bales and spread gifts, fragrances and fabrics). SLAVES Here's Amber of Judea!Here are the scents of Ophir!Here are the pistachios of Idumea!Amber of Judea! Ophir perfumes! HEADS Separate the gold and silver!Store incense, aroma!Separate the gold and silver! MERCHANTS (Tenors - Group 1, with pride) We arrive from more distant citiesWithout tiring our Saron horses! (Basses - 2nd group, similarly) But no horses are not less agile; We took this purple in Sidon! Group 1 Ah! the Samaritan! Ah! the Samaritan! Us horses have wings! 2nd group (with contempt) Ah! the Pharisee! Ah! the Pharisee! As grasshoppersFrom the shores of the Jordan! THE slaves, the MERCHANTS and the heads (slaves mingling with the dispute) What! This unworthy raceDare insult us!Such AudacityWe'll know revenge us!VA! VA! Samaritan! Samaritan! Samaritan!We accept the fight! Samaritan! Samaritan!We accept the fight! MERCHANTS Do they really believe match us?What! This unworthy raceDare insult us! SLAVES Do they really believe match them?Samaritan! We accept the fight!We'll know revenge us! HEADS Do they really believe match them? Pharisee! By accepting the fight, they will be able to get revenge! THE slaves, chiefs and the MERCHANTS Such AudacityThey will be able to take revenge!VA! VA! Samaritan! (Pharisee!)Do they really believe match us! (all with respect and blatant) The Chaldean! PATRICK (severely) Yet a dispute!EH! What! always quarreling? (dark) The world is concerned, the homeland is in tears. And here they are! they are now against themselves, against them turning their weapons!Fools! fools!The human moronsThey come to the hands!They remain deaf to the immortal voice, the immortal voiceWhich repeat them: love! Forgiveness!Eternal life! Love! Forgiveness!Love! Eternal life! THE slaves, the MERCHANTS and chiefs The future is misleading!Should he open his heart to vain hope? PATRICK No! Against the Romans revolt is next...I come from distant countriesWhere the acts will follow very closely the lyrics. Soon everything will change, laws and symbols! THE slaves, the MERCHANTS and chiefs So far what we were promised Does not alleviate the yoke of enemies! PATRICK (with bitterness and discouragement) Either! Don't hope so nothing! nothing! to follow your road...For me, I wait... I wait, calm and no doubt,.Better days, better days,I expect better days for humanity! for our humanity! (Merchants and slave descended to the city. The chiefs enter the Palace. Patrick sadly considers the Caravan that moves. Salome comes out by the left of the Palace, worried, indecisive; She sees Patrick and approaches him.) PATRICK (with surprise) Ah! Salome! in this Palace when destiny brings you? (separately) Ignores you it again of what blood she was born? (in Salome) Siloam why did you leave happy edges? SALOME (sad and simple) Patrick... ever... looking for my mother! A voice shouted me: hope!Course in Jerusalem!I did not found it alas!And I am only here! (expressive) One whose speech clears all sorrows, The Prophet is here! It is to him that I will!He is sweet, he is good, his word is serene:He speaks... everything is silent...Lighter on the plainCareful air passes quietly...He speaks... (with enthusiasm) Ah! When will it come? When can I hear it?I was suffering... I was single and my heart calmed Listening to his voice melodious and tender,My heart calmed! (with elan and love) Can beloved prophet, I live without you!Beloved prophet, can I live... live without you!It is here! in this desert where the crowd amazed Had followed his steps, (poco a poco appassionato) As he greeted me one day, abandoned child! And he opened my arms!It's soft, it is good,His word is serene,He speaks... everything... was more light on the plain... Careful air passes quietly...He speaks! (with enthusiasm) Ah! When will it come?When can I hear it?I was suffering... I was single and my heart calmed Listening to his voice melodious and tender,My heart calmed! (with elan and love) Can beloved prophet, I live without you!Beloved prophet, can I live... live without you!Ah! When will it come? When will I hear it!Can beloved prophet, I live without you! the caravan off, in the Valley) CHOIR Jerusalem! Jerusalem Hi! wealthy city!Jerusalem, Hi! Jerusalem! Jerusalem! PATRICK (in Salome) You want it!Leave, child, faith you light upIt will guide you!And in this Palace willA true and sincere friend! Farewell! Salome... SALOME (away) Patrick! Farewell! (Patrick went to the railing, he accompanied Salome from the look, and then he walks away.) Scene II (By the right of the garden are the slaves of the King who, under the leadership of their guardians, are headed for the Palace. It is the walk of the dancers in the Palace. Herod enters hurriedly through the door who previously gave passage to Salome; a worried look he iterates through the groups of dancers who move away, and sees that Salome is no longer among them.) HEROD She fled the Palace...She left these places... and suddenly the fear has penetrated my soul!Goddess or woman with seductive charm!Barely interview form and which already are me dear, Come back again! come back, enchanting dream!Salome! Salome! Ah! Come back! I want you! It's my voice that pray!Salome! Salome!What ineffable drunkenness illuminates my heavens!My ray of sunshine is the brightness of your eyes! It is you! you really look! I want you, I adore you!Salome! Salome! I want you back! Scene III (Herodias appears, pale, lost.) HERODIAS (to Herod) Avenge me a supreme insult!It is you, of you alone that I expect my revenge!I went this morning to the desert,When a man barely covered,.The menacing front, short voice. (interspersed voice) Stands... in the middle... by the way! like a storm wind rises,His voice invoking fate,Pursues me... troubles me... and outrage me!Aspen, he says! Aspen, Jezebel!That plagues are your work!It must report back to the sky?VA, the wrath of the Prophet has appealed to the nations: Soon you courberas headBefore their curses! HEROD (impatient) What is this man? HERODIAS It is John! This is the infamous Apostle Which preaches baptism and the new faith! HEROD (suddenly) What can I? What do you want from me! HERODIAS (with energy) It's his head my problem! HEROD (with horror) Gods! HERODIAS (fabric softener) Herod! Herod! (suppliante) Do not refuse!Do not refuse!Herod... Please remember! (tenderly pleading) Do not refuse!Toi! My only good!For which I left everything, my country and my daughter;Are you not my supportAnd my only family?Do not refuse! Do not refuse!Please remember!Remember the Tiber with its shady edges,We lived without the fugitive hours.Our timid kisses were our only confessions.We had witnesses that the plaintive waves!In the evening, under the tall pines, our repeated oaths Eveillaient unknown echoes to the Earth,And the star of the night, in its soft lightEnveloped our hearts of love... and mystery!Herod! Herod! Herod!Me refuse; you, my only good!For which I left everything my country and my daughter;Are you not my supportAnd my only family?Do not refuse! Do not refuse!Please remember! Herod! Herod!Ah! Do not refuse!For you I left everything, my country and my daughter...Do not refuse! Please remember! HEROD (repelling)
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

Opera in 4 Acts and 7 Tables
MMP Milliet, H. Grémont, A. Zanardini
J. Massenet music Personaggi: John, Tenor Herod Baritone Phanuel, Lower Vitellius, Baritone A High Priest, 2nd Baritone One Voice, Tenor Salome Soprano Herodias, mezzo-soprano A young Babylonian, Soprano CHOEURS merchants, soldiers, Jews, Romans, Soldiers, Priests, Levites, Temple servants, Sailors, Pharisees, Scribes PEOPLE Galileans, Samaritans, Sadducees, Ethiopians, Nubians, Arabs, Romans DANCES 1 Act: The Promenade Slave 2nd Act: Dance Babylonian 3rd Act: Sacred Dance 4th Act: Ballet: I. Egyptian II. Babylonian III. Gauloises IV. Phoenician V. Final Act I Scene I (A large courtyard in Herod's palace inside Jerusalem in the distance The Dead Sea surrounded by the hills of Judea. It is the dawn - yet almost night; the leaders are asleep land near the barrier that separates the palace of the valley where caravans rest waiting for the day. CURTAIN The day seems) (chiefs awake, stand up and call the merchants.) HEADS (director) Alert! Get up! The palace is open! Alert! All of you who come from the desert, Alert! Alert! Arise SLAVES and VENDORS (The slaves behind the scenes) Alert! The palace is open! Alert! The palace is open! (slaves carrying heavy burden slowly move up the coast.) SLAVES and VENDORS Here the sun rises, we have hit the mark. Our journey ends, O Jerusalem! Jerusalem, hello! SLAVES At the edge of the clear fountains MERCHANT Along clear fountains and VENDORS SLAVES We can refresh ourselves, when warmer breezes On the sands are running! Our journey ends! O Jerusalem! Jerusalem salvation HEADS (with authority to slaves) What we see early on what you bring in, the gifts offered to Tetrarch Through its numerous cities! Separate gold and balms, ivories and silver! ( slaves open the bundles and spread the presents, perfumes and fabrics.) SLAVES Here Amber Judea! Here perfumes of Ophir! Here pistachios, Idumea! Amber Judea! ! The scents of Ophir HEADS Separate the gold and silver! Put incense aromas! Separate the gold and silver! MERCHANTS (Tenors - 1st Group, proudly) We reach more distant cities without tired horses of Sharon! (Basses - 2nd Group, as well) , but no horses are no less agile; We made this purple at Sidon Group 1 Ah! the Samaritan! Ah! the Samaritan! We horses have wings! 2nd group (with contempt) Ah! the Pharisee! Ah! the Pharisee! Like locusts From the banks of the Jordan! SLAVES, THE MERCHANT and THE HEADS (slaves joining in the dispute) What! this unworthy race Dare we insult! On such a bold We will avenge us! Go! goes! Samaritan! Samaritan! Samaritan! We accept the fight! Samaritan! Samaritan! We accept the fight! MERCHANTS Do they really match us? What! this unworthy race Dare we insult! SLAVES Do they believe really match the? Samaritan! We accepted the fight! We will avenge us! HEADS Do they believe really match them? Pharisee By accepting the fight, they will take revenge! SLAVES, HEADS and VENDORS OF such audacity They will take revenge! Go! goes! Samaritan! (Pharisee) Do they really match us! (all with respect and blatant) The Chaldean! Phanuel (severely) Another hassle! Eh! what! always quarreling? (dark) The world is worried, the country is in tears. And that's it! here they are against themselves, turning their weapons against them! Fools! ! fools Humans deficient They come to blows! They remain deaf to the immortal voice, the immortal voice who repeats them: Love! Sorry! Eternal life! Love! Sorry! Love! Eternal life! SLAVES, MERCHANT and CHIEFS The future is misleading! Must open his heart to the vain hope? Phanuel No! The revolt against the Romans is next ... I come from distant countries where the acts will follow very closely the words. Soon everything will change, laws and symbols! SLAVES, MERCHANT and LEADERS So far this we promised we do not lighten the yoke of enemies Phanuel (with bitterness and discouragement) Either! So do not expect anything! nothing! to follow your way ... For me, I wait ... I wait, calm and without doubt, Better days, better days, I expect better days for our humanity! for our humanity! (Merchants . and slaves down to the city Chiefs enter the palace Phanuel considers sadly caravan departs Salome lot by the left of the Palace, worried, indecisive;.. she sees Phanuel and approaches him). Phanuel ( surprise) Ah! Salome! in this palace for what brings you here? (aside) Ignore it encor you what blood born? (Salome) of Siloam Why did you leave the banks happy? SALOME (sad and simple) Phanuel .. .without constantly ... I seek my mother! A voice called me hope! Courses in Jerusalem! I have not found alas! And I remain alone down here! (expressive) one whose word erases all sentences, The Prophet is here! it is to him that I will! It is gentle, he is good, his word is serene: He talks ... everything was ... More light on the plain Careful air passes quietly ... He talks ... (passionately) Ah! when will he return? When can I hear it? I suffered ... I was alone and my heart calmed down Listening to his melodious voice and tender, My heart calmed down! (with momentum and love) beloved Prophet, and -I live without you! beloved Prophet, can I live ... live without you! There it is! in this desert where the people were amazed Had follow his steps (poco a poco appassionato) Be greeted me one day, abandoned child! And he opened his arms to me! He is gentle, he is good, his word is serene, he talks ... all is silent ... lighter on the plain ... Careful air passes quietly ... He speaks! (passionately) Ah! when he returns? When can I hear it? I suffered ... I was alone and my heart calmed down Listening to his melodious voice and tender, My heart calmed down! (with momentum and love) beloved Prophet, can I live without you! beloved Prophet, can I live ... live without you! Ah! when will he return? When can I hear it! beloved Prophet, can I live without you! caravan far away in the valley) CHORUS Jerusalem! Jerusalem salvation! wealthy city! Jerusalem, hello! Jerusalem! Jerusalem Phanuel (Salome) You want it! Go, child, faith enlightens you will guide you! And in this palace will ensure a loyal and sincere friend! adieu! Salome ... SALOME (away) Phanuel! Farewell! (Phanuel went to the railing, he accompanied Salome look, then walks away.) Scene II (For the right of the garden seem the Slave King who, under the guidance of their guardians, head to the Palace . This is the Promenade des Dancers Palace Herod rushes through the door that has previously given passage to Salome;. a worried look he travels the groups of dancers moving away, and sees that Salome is no longer with them.) HEROD She fled the palace ... She left these places ... and suddenly the anguish penetrated my soul Goddess or woman in seductive charm! Shape scarcely seen and who already are dear to me, Come back encor! back, enchanting dream! Salome! Salome! ah! come back! I want you! it's my voice that implores you! Salome! Salome! What ineffable intoxication illuminates my heavens! My sunshine is the luster of your eyes! it is you! I expect you! I want you, I adore you! Salome! Salome! I want you back! Scene III (Herodias appeared, pale, bewildered.) Herodias (Herod) Avenge me of a supreme offense! It is you, you alone I expect my revenge! I was this morning in the desert, when a man barely covered, Threatening forehead, sharp voice. (The broken voice) to erect in the middle ... ... the way! as a stormy wind comes up, his voice invoking destiny pursues me ... me ... disorder and contempt me! Tremble, he told me! aspen, Jezebel !! ! What plagues are your work ? It should report to the sky Go, the anger of the prophet appealed to nations: Soon you courberas head Before their curses! Herod (forward) Who is this man? Herodias It is John! This is the infamous apostle who preaches the baptism and the new faith! Herod (suddenly) What can I? what do you want from me! Herodias (with energy) It's his head I claim! Herod (with horror) Gods! Herodias (softening) Herod! Herod (pleading) Do not refuse me! Do not refuse me! Herod ... Remember! (with a supplicating tenderness) Do not refuse me! You! , my only good for that I left everything, my country and my daughter Do not you my support, and my family alone? Do not refuse me! Do not refuse me! Remember! Remember the Tiber with its shady banks, we lived without counting the fleeting hours shy Our kisses were our only confessions. We had witnesses for the plaintive waves! The evening, under the tall pines, our repeated oaths awakened echoes unknown to earth, And the star of the night, in his soft lights, enveloped our hearts with love ... and mystery! Herod! Herod! ! Herod Do not refuse me; ! you, my only good for everything that I have left my country and my daughter, do not you my support, and my family alone? Do not refuse me! Do not refuse me! Remember! Herod! Herod Ah! Do not refuse me! For you I left everything, my country and my daughter ... Do not refuse me! Remember! Herod (the pushing)
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

Opera in 4 Acts and 7 Tables
of M. P. Milliet, H. Gremont, A. Zanardini
music by J. Massenet
Jean, Tenor
Herod, baritone
Phanuel, Low
before Vitellius visit, baritone
A High Priest, 2e baritone
A Voice, Tenor
Salome, Soprano
Hérodiade, Mezzo-soprano
a young Babylonian, Soprano
Merchants, soldiers, Jews, Roman soldiers, priests, Levites, Temple Servants,Sailors, Pharisees, Scribes
Galileans, Samaritans, Saduceens, Ethiopians, Nubians, Arabs, Romans
1 Note: The Promenade des Slaves
2e Note: Dance Babylonian
3e Note: Sacred Dance
4e Note: Ballet:
I. Egyptian women
II. Babylonian
III. Gauloises
IV. Phoenician
V. Final
Act I
Scene I
(A large courtyard in the interior of palace of Herod in Jerusalem in the distant The Dead Sea surrounded by the hills of Judea.
This is the aurora - almost the night yet; the heads are asleep to land near the barrier which separates the palace of the valley where the caravans are based pending the day.
The day seems)
(the heads awaken, stand up and call the merchants. )
(in scene)
Alert! Lift-you!
The palace is open!
Alert! All of you who have come from the desert,
Alert! Alert! His feet!
THE slaves and merchants
(the slaves in the scenes)
Alert! The palace is open!
Alert! The palace is open!
(the slaves bearing heavy burden slowly climb up the side.)
THE slaves and merchants
here is that the day is lifted,
We have hit the purpose.
Our journey ends,
O Jerusalem! Jerusalem, salvation!
at the edge of the clear fountains
at the edge of the clear fountains
THE slaves and merchants
we can refresh,
When of warmer investigations
on the sands will run!
our trip is completed!
O Jerusalem! Jerusalem, salvation
(with authority, to the slaves)
That of the first we note
in what you make,
the donations made to the tetrarch
by its many cites!
Separate the gold and the balms,
the ivories and the money!
(the slaves open the bales and spread out the present, the scents and fabrics.)
Here Is the amber of Judea!
Here Are the fragrances of Ophir!
Here Are the pistachios, of Idumee!
THE amber of Judea! The perfumes of Ophir!
Separate the gold and silver!
Store the incense, flavorings!
Separate the gold and silver!
(Tenors - 1st Group, with pride)
We come of more distant cities
without straining our horses of Sharon!
(bass - 2e Group, of same)
but no horses are not less agile;
we took this purple at Sidon!
1 Group
Ah! The Samaritan! Ah! The Samaritan!We horses have wings!
2e Group
(with contempt)
Ah! The Pharisee! Ah! The Pharisee! As the locusts
the banks of the Jordan River!
THE slaves, the merchants and THE HEADS
(the slaves mingled to the disputed)
What! This unworthy race
Dare we offend!
that kind of an audacity
We will avenge!
Va! Will! Samaritan! Samaritan! Samaritan!
We accept the fight! Samaritan!Samaritan!
We accept the fight!
do they really believe we match?
What! This unworthy race
Dare we offend!
do they really believe the match?
Samaritan! We accept the fight!
We will avenge!
do they really believe the match? Pharisee!
In accepting the fight, they will know to take revenge!
For such an audacity
they will know to take revenge!
Va! Will! Samaritan!
(Pharisee! )
do they really believe we match!
(All with respect and glaring)
The Chaldean!
yet a quarrel!
Eh! What! Always quarrelling?
The world is concerned, the homeland is in tears.
And that is that! The that is against themselves,
against them turning their weapons!
fools!The fools!
the feeble human
they come to hands!
they remain deaf to the voice immortal,
to the voice immortal
which their repeat: Love! Forgiveness!
eternal life! Love! Forgiveness!
Love! Eternal Life!
THE slaves, the merchants and THE HEADS
The future is misleading!
Is it open its heart to the expectancy vain?
Non! Against the Romans the revolt is next ...
I come from distant countries
or acts will follow very closely the words.
Soon will change everything, the laws and the symbols!
THE slaves, the merchants and THE HEADS
Up to this day what we were promised
does not alleviate the yoke of enemies!
(with bitterness and discouragement)
either! Don't expect therefore nothing! Nothing! To follow your road ...
For me, j'attends ... I await,Calm and without doubt,
of better days, better days,
I expect better days for our humanity!
For our humanity!
(merchants and slaves descend to the city. The heads come into the palace. Phanuel considers sadly the caravan, which is moving away from. Salome fate by the left of the Palace, worried, indecisive; she sees Phanuel and approach him.)
(with surprise)
Ah! Salome! In this palace what destiny brings thee?
(To share)
Ignore-t it encor what blood it is born?
Why of Siloam hast thou left the edges happy?
(sad and simple)
Phanuel ... constantly ... I am trying my mother!
A voice I shouted: hope!
Course in Jerusalem!
I have not found alas!
and i remain only here-bottom!
The one whose word clears all sentences,
The Prophet is here! It is to him that I am going!
he is mild, he is good, his word is serene:
He speaks ... everything is tait ...
lighter on the plain
air attentive past without noise ...
He speaks ...
(With vigor)
Ah! When will he? When can I hear?
I diagnosed ... I was alone and my heart is quiet
When listening to her melodious voice and tension,
My heart is quiet!
(With momentum and love)
Prophet liked, can i live without thee!
Prophet liked, and then-i live ... live without thee!
This is! In this desert where the crowd surprised
had followed his not,
(poco a poco appassionato)
he greeted me a day, child abandoned!
And he opened his arms!
It is soft, it is good,
His word is serene,
He speaks ... everything is tait ... more lightweight on the plain ...
THE attentive air past without noise ...
He speaks!
(With vigor)
Ah! When is he going?
When can I hear?
I diagnosed ... I was alone and my heart is quiet
when listening to her melodious voice and tension,
My heart is quiet!
(With momentum and love)
Prophet liked, can i live without thee!
Prophet liked, and then-i live ... live without thee!
Ah! When will he? When can I hear!
Prophet beloved, can i live without thee!
The caravan in the distance, in the valley)
Jerusalem! Jerusalem salvation! City wealthy!
Jerusalem, salvation! Jerusalem! Jerusalem!
Thou wilt!
Pars, child, faith enlightens thee
It te will guide!
and in this palace will ensure
A faithful friend and sincere! Farewell! Salome ...
(away from)
Phanuel! Farewell!
(Phanuel went toward the balustrade, he accompanied by Salome of the next, and then it moves away.)
Scene II
(by the right of the garden seem the slaves of the King who, under the conduct of their guardians, are heading toward the Palace. This is the Promenade of the dancers in the Palace.Herod between precipitously by the door which had previously book passage to Salome; of a look worried it traverses the groups of dancers who are moving away from, and sees that Salome is no longer among them.)
she had fled the palace ...
she has left these places ... and suddenly the anguish has penetrated my soul!
Goddess or woman to the charm seducer!
Form barely interview and who already es me dear,
Return encor! Come back, dream enchanting!
Salome! Salome! Ah! Come back! I want thee! It is my voice which brought thee implore!
Salome! Salome!
What drunkenness ineffable illuminated my heavens!
My ray of sunshine that is the brilliance of thine eyes! It is thee! Thee that i look! I want thee, I adore you!
Salome! Salome! I te want to come back!
Scene III
(Hérodiade seems, pale, mislaid.)
(to Herod)
Avenge me of supreme offended!
it is to thee, to thee only that I expect my vengeance!
I was going this morning in the desert,
When a man barely covered,
The frente threatening, the votes short.
(The voice stutter)
sits ... the middle ... of the path!
As a wind storm rises,
its voice invoking the destiny,
sues me ... I am troubled ... and me with contempt!
Trembles, he said to me! Aspen, Jezebel!!
That of scourges are thy work!
It must be accountable to heaven?
Va, the anger of the prophet has appealed to the united:
soon thou courberas head
before their curses!
What is this man?
IT is Jean! It is the apostle infamous
who preached the baptism and the new faith!
that can i? That wilt thou to me!
(with energy)
It is his head that i asked for!
(with horror)
Herod! Herod!
(Supplicant voice)
do i refused not!
do i am refused pas!
herode ... Remind yourself!
(With a tenderness supplicant voice)
do i refused not!
thee! My only well!
For which I have left everything, my country and my daughter;
Art not thou my support,
and my only family?
do i not refuse! I do not refuse!
Remind yourself!
Recalls-thee the Tiber River with its edges shady,
We lived without counting the hours transient,
Our timid kisses were our only confession.
we had for witnesses that the vague plaintive!
the evening, under the tall pines, our oaths repeated
awakened echoes of unknown to the earth,
and the shining star of the night, in his study broadly; soft,
enveloped our hearts virtualy breathtaking ... and mystery!
Herod! Herod! Herod!
do i refused not; thou, my only well!
For which I have left all my country and my daughter;
Art not thou my support,
and my only family?
i do not refuse! I do not refuse!
Recalls-thee! Herod! Herod!
Ah! I do not refuse!
For thee I have left everything, my country and my daughter ...
i do not refuse! Remind yourself!
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
