Established in 2001 near Paris (France), the company CRYOFORUM is a European leader in the distribution of innovative materials and tailored to your needs. Founded by Philippe Benoist, previously responsible for the company Cryophysics SA in France. CRYOFORUM offer mainly equipment from: LAKESHORE Cryotronics for measuring very low temperatures, the magnetic field measurement and the characterization of the physical properties of materials in temperature and magnetic field. JANIS Research recognized supplier around the world of cryogenic equipment ( cryostats, cryomagnétiques systems) that is devoted to the design, manufacture and delivery of the widest range of cryoqéniques products currently available on the market. SHI-APD Cryogenics Limited (Sumitomo) with closed circuit cryocoolers global reputation and high reliability at the top of the state of the art. CRYOFORUM company is a European leader in the distribution of innovative materials and tailored to your needs. Founded by Philippe Benoist, previously responsible for the company Cryophysics SA in France. CRYOFORUM offer mainly equipment from: LAKESHORE Cryotronics for measuring very low temperatures, the magnetic field measurement and characterization of the physical properties of materials in temperature and magnetic field. JANIS Research recognized supplier of worldwide cryogenic equipment (cryostats cryomagnétiques systems) and which is dedicated to the design, manufacture and delivery of the widest range of cryoqéniques products currently available on the market. SHI-APD Cryogenics Limited (Sumitomo) cryocoolers with closed-circuit worldwide reputation and reliability at the top of state Art. CRYOFORUM company is a European leader in the distribution of innovative materials and tailored to your needs. Founded by Philippe Benoist, previously responsible for the company Cryophysics SA in France. CRYOFORUM offer mainly equipment from: LAKESHORE Cryotronics for measuring very low temperatures, the magnetic field measurement and characterization of the physical properties of materials in temperature and magnetic field. JANIS Research recognized supplier of worldwide cryogenic equipment (cryostats cryomagnétiques systems) and which is dedicated to the design, manufacture and delivery of the widest range of cryoqéniques products currently available on the market. SHI-APD Cryogenics Limited (Sumitomo) cryocoolers with closed-circuit worldwide reputation and reliability at the top of state Art.CRYOFORUM offer mainly equipment from: LAKESHORE Cryotronics for the measurement of very low temperatures, the magnetic field measurement and characterization of physical properties of materials in temperature and magnetic fields. JANIS Research, recognized as a supplier in the world cryogenic equipment (cryostat, cryomagnétiques systems), which is dedicated to the design, manufacture and delivery of the widest range of cryoqéniques products currently available on the market. SHI-APD Cryogenics Limited (Sumitomo) with cryocoolers circuit closed world reputation and reliability at the top of the state of the art.CRYOFORUM offer mainly equipment from: LAKESHORE Cryotronics for the measurement of very low temperatures, the magnetic field measurement and characterization of physical properties of materials in temperature and magnetic fields. JANIS Research, recognized as a supplier in the world cryogenic equipment (cryostat, cryomagnétiques systems), which is dedicated to the design, manufacture and delivery of the widest range of cryoqéniques products currently available on the market. SHI-APD Cryogenics Limited (Sumitomo) with cryocoolers circuit closed world reputation and reliability at the top of the state of the art. cryomagnétiques systems), which is dedicated to the design, manufacture and delivery of the widest range of cryoqéniques products currently available on the market. SHI-APD Cryogenics Limited (Sumitomo) cryocoolers with closed-circuit worldwide reputation and high reliability at the top of the state of the art. cryomagnétiques systems), which is dedicated to the design, manufacture and delivery of the widest range of cryoqéniques products currently available on the market. SHI-APD Cryogenics Limited (Sumitomo) cryocoolers with closed-circuit worldwide reputation and high reliability at the top of the state of the art.
CRYOFORUM, not only has extensive experience in the distribution of high quality products for your applications, but also provides you with technical support at all times. You will find here all information about the products we can offer you as well as upcoming events, exhibitions and conferences in connection with our business. You can also view the new page and we will endeavor to present the latest products. Feel free to call us or send us your request by e-mail or fax, we will be happy to offer you our services.
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