Suite à votre e-mail, je vous informe que votre commande est déjà entrée dans le processus de livraison. J'ai donc été dans l'impossibilité d'annuler votre commande. J'en suis sincèrement désolé.
Je vous invite tout simplement à refuser le colis lorsqu'il vous sera livré et nous vous rembourserons par la suite.
Pour votre information, notez que vous avez la possibilité d'annuler vos commandes en ligne, à condition qu'elles ne soient pas encore prêtes à l'envoi. Pour cela, il vous suffit de suivre les instructions que vous trouverez à la page suivante :
Veuillez noter que lorsqu'un article est indiqué comme 'en stock', cela signifie que nous avons cet article dans notre entrepôt et que votre commande entrera normalement dans le processus d'expédition au plus vite afin que vous puissiez la recevoir le plus rapidement possible.
J'espère que ces informations vous seront utiles.
Merci de faire confiance à
Ai-je résolu votre problème ?
Oui Non
Pour toute autre question ou information, veuillez consulter nos pages d'aide :
Raphael G.N.A.
Nous nous efforçons de bâtir l'entreprise la plus centrée sur ses clients. Par vos remarques, vous nous y aidez.
Hello Following your e-mail, I inform you that your order has already entered in the delivery process. I was therefore unable to cancel your order. I am sincerely sorry. I simply invite you to refuse the package when it will be delivered and we will refund you later. For your information, note that you can cancel your online orders, provided that they are not yet ready to send. To do this, just follow the instructions that you will find on the next page: Please note that when the article is stated as 'in stock', it means that we have this item in our warehouse and that your order will normally enter in the process of shipment to most quickly so that you can receive it as soon as possible. I hope that this information will be useful. Thank you for trusting solved your problem?Yes No For any other questions or information, please consult our help pages: regardsRaphael G.N.A.We strive to build the more focused business on its customers. By your comments, you will help
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

Hello, Following your email, I inform you that your order has already entered the delivery process. So I was unable to cancel your order. I am truly sorry. I just invite you to refuse the package when it will arrive and we will refund afterwards. For your information, note that you can cancel your orders online, provided they are not yet ready to send. To do this, simply follow the instructions found on the following page: Please note that when an item is listed as' in stock ', it means that we have this product in our warehouse and your order normally enter the shipping process as quickly as possible so you can receive it as soon as possible. I hope this information will be useful. Please . trust Did I solve your problem? Yes No For further questions or information, please visit our help pages: Regards, Raphael GNA We strive to build the business most centered on its customers. In your remarks, you will help us.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

good morning, "in response to your e-mail, i would like to inform you that your order is already in the process of delivery. i have been unable to cancel your order. i'm really, really sorry. "i invite you to simply refuse the package when it is delivered, and we'll pay you back later. "for your information.please note that you may cancel your orders online, provided that they are not yet ready for dispatch. to do this, just follow the instructions on the next page: " / gp / help / customer /. html? nodeid = 548660
please note that when an article is described as' in stock '.this means that we have this article in our warehouse, and that your order will be shipped in the normal process of as soon as possible so that you can receive it as soon as possible. "i hope that this information will be useful to you. "thank you for trusting i solved your problem? "yes" to any question or information.please refer to the help pages. / help
he g.n.a. cordially, we strive to build the company focuses more on its clients. in your remarks, you help us do that.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..