sont claires, qui laissent entendre qu'à cette date, aucune facture émanant de kti n'avait été présentée à la concluante, celle-ci n'ayant point été, en cet état, débitrice de queque somme d'argent que ce soit envers kti, et donc détentrice de somme d'argent en qualité de tiers saisi
are clear, which suggest that, at this date, no invoice from kti had been presented to the conclusive, this point was, in this State, Qazi debtor sum of money whatsoever to kti, and thus holder of sum of money as a garnishee
are clear, suggesting that to date, no bills emanating from kti had been submitted to the successful, it not having been in this state of debtor queque money whatsoever to kti and therefore owner of money as garnishee
are clear, suggesting that on that date, no invoice from conditions had been submitted to the success, it was at this stage, is responsible for what amount of money regardless of conditions, and with money as a third party before