Examiner les chromatogrammes obtenus dans Essais § I.3.5 Le pic de capryl glycol présent dans le chromatogramme obtenu avec la solution à analyser est semblable quant à son temps de rétention relatif au pic obtenu avec la solution témoin.
Examine the chromatograms obtained in trials § I.3.5The peak of capryl glycol present in the chromatogram obtained with the solution to be analyzed is similar as for its retention time relative to the peak obtained with the control solution.
Examine the chromatograms obtained in tests § I.3.5 Peak capryl glycol present in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution is similar in retention time on the peak obtained with the reference solution.
the chromatograms obtained in tests on margins.the peak of capryl glycol present in the chromatogram obtained with the solution to be analyzed is similar to its relative retention time to the peak obtained with the reference solution.