Stressé par la frénésie de Tokyo, fatigué par ses nouvelles responsabi 번역 - Stressé par la frénésie de Tokyo, fatigué par ses nouvelles responsabi 영어 말하는 방법

Stressé par la frénésie de Tokyo, f

Stressé par la frénésie de Tokyo, fatigué par ses nouvelles responsabilités familiales -depuis la mort de leurs parents, il doit veiller sur sa jeune soeur -, Ryu décide de s'offrir quelques jours de repos sur une île volcanique qui serait, selon la légende, interdite aux humains. Là, il découvre un jardin secret où trônent des statues que l'on dirait sculptées par la main d'un dieu. Des statues fascinantes mais dangereuses : alors qu'il se laisse aller à caresser doucement l'une d'elles, Ryu est soudain changé en une créature de pierre...
Véritable conte fantastique ancré dans la réalité du Tokyo contemporain, La danseuse du temps offre une synthèse parfaite entre la bande dessinée européenne et les mangas. La minutie documentaire des décors urbains donne l'occasion de découvrir les différents aspects de la vie quotidienne dans une grande ville japonaise d'aujourd'hui. Et les scènes oniriques empreintes de merveilleux prennent toute leur force grâce au trait souple et sensuel d'Illona. Ce premier volet du triptyque de La danseuse du temps entraîne le lecteur fasciné dans une ronde étourdissante aux frontières de la réalité et de l'imaginaire. Bon voyage...
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Stressed by the frenzy of Tokyo, tired by his new family responsibilities - since the death of their parents, it must look after his younger sister-, Ryu decides to offer a few days rest on a volcanic island which is, according to legend, forbidden to humans. There, he discovers a secret garden where its statues that one would say carved by the hand of a God. Statues fascinating but dangerous: while he lets himself go gently Petting one of them, Ryu is suddenly changed into a creature of stone...Real fantasy tale rooted in the reality of the contemporary Tokyo, the dancer of time offers a perfect synthesis between European comics and manga. The documentary minutiae of urban settings gives the opportunity to discover the various aspects of daily life in a large Japanese city of today. And the dreamlike scenes of wonderful take all their strength through the soft and sensual to Rajeev stroke. This first part of the triptych of the dancer's time takes the fascinated reader in a dizzying round of reality and the imaginary border. Good trip...
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Stressed by the frenzy of Tokyo, fatigued by his new family responsibilities -from the death of their parents, it must watch over her younger sister - Ryu decides to offer a few days of rest on a volcanic island that would, according to legend , forbidden to humans. There he discovers a secret garden where enthroned statues that looks like carved by the hand of a god. Fascinating but dangerous statues while he indulges gently stroke one of them, Ryu suddenly changed into a creature of stone ...
fantastic true story grounded in reality of contemporary Tokyo, Dancer time offers a perfect synthesis between European comics and manga. The documentary meticulousness urban scenery gives the opportunity to discover the different aspects of daily life in a major Japanese city today. Dreamlike scenes and wonderful impressions take all their force thanks to soft and sensual terms of Ilona. This first part of the triptych The dancer of the time causes the fascinated reader into a dizzying round the borders of reality and imagination. Have a good trip...
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
a frenzy of tokyo, tired of his family since the death of their parents, he takes care of his younger sister, ryu decides to buy a few days, on a volcanic island that is, according to legend, forbidden to humans. there, he discovers a secret garden with statues that line the sounds made by the hand of god.exciting but dangerous statues: he let himself go to gently caress one, ryu is suddenly changed into a creature of stone, true fairytale is rooted in the reality of contemporary dancer from tokyo, the time is a perfect synthesis of european comics and manga.the detail of urban scenery documentary provides an opportunity to explore the various aspects of daily life in a large city in japan today. and the wonderful dream scene prints is very soft and sensual line strength of illona.the first part of the triptych of the dancer of fascination in a round, leads the reader to the borders of the overwhelming reality and imagination. bon voyage...
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
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