hello, jung. "why to be published in the sun, so that you were previously published by other publishers. as the book didn't really fit into the type of publications sun. "jung: i work for quadrant editions is a new label, sun. it was created by denis bajram and valerie mangin.they have passed the torch to corinne bertrand's editions dupuis, and earlier editions delcourt. - i know for a long time, and it was a good time that we talked about working together. of course, it would have been legitimate for this book very kind to me, and makes me by delcourt confidence over the past 15 years.but to work with corinne was stronger. it was, however, a very difficult choice to make. well, i'm a boy, so i assume i don't regret my choice. when was she received calls from the foot of futuropolis and sunshine. for reasons that are only.she chose the sun with its new structure, the quadrant that was waiting to be developed, it was a real challenge to it. i just followed her. now is my comic book the spirit sun fit or not, i don't know, but it fits perfectly with the spirit of it. in any case, no matter be in the mind of a long as the book is good, it is the main
: what made you choose this format (170 x 240 mm, 152 pages) and the black and white? "jung: i wanted to work on a paper machine, in a4 format, in black and white with a black and white processing and washes. this format allows me to move forward and the back very quickly, in the details.i'm going directly to the point. thus, i can do 20 plates every 2 weeks, scenario. it is a way of working, very recreational, and less laborious. i've always loved the black and white which, moreover, was now forced to autobiography. in this album, although we recognize the fineness of your linethe style is different, more simple, rather caricatured characters), it also emerged, such as black and white? "the characters are more caricatured jung, but much more lively and expressive than all my other albums. i wanted to make this little boy, the reader's desire to spend time with him. it is grinning, too.sweet, sad sometimes, but very human. the style is fuller, more affordable, i haven't done a lot of research, i have drawn such as when we draw freely and spontaneously. so, i took great pleasure in drawing this. you drew yasuda and the girl and the wind on ryelandt scenarios.okiya in the feather of jee yun, who also contributed to the adaptation of kwaïdan. you're here for the first time in command, has been difficult. "jung. it is an autobiographical account, so i don't have to dig very much to get a story. the originality of this book i think is in the processing, the tone and off.i told you my story, assuming it was a person, so i was able to take a step back, and tell a story with a certain detachment. where the use of humor and ridicule. the theme of the quest for identity is not new, in kwaidan example: it was a harbinger of your biography? "jung.not only in kwaidan in all of my albums, with or without a the same themes: the search for identity, uprooting, asia, etc. all these issues are directly related to my experience and my existential questions. only in color: honey i am out problems or the joys that are related to international adoption in koreastrange and unique. there are 200, 000 koreans passed scattered across the world, it should talk about it in a book, isn't it? let's just say that my book was an excuse to broach the subject. do you want to make this book for a long time, a project that has grown slowly, or is it came later, as a trigger. " the outset, jee yun (my wife) and i wanted to tell you in the form of jokes stories of couples of relations between women and men. for various reasons, it has not done. then i asked him to tell the story of the adoptions in comics is that it has turned down because she didn't feel ready.and even less about its adoption with a sense of humour. so, i jumped into the water. i took a sheet of paper machine hanging on my table, i have developed a framework and realized the first 3 pages in 4 hours. i was so excited, because the style has imposed itself spontaneously. i showed those pages to jee yun, who told me, "go! go! go! that's great! "(a)the is it more difficult for you to tell your life story, other stories? "jung: one is no easier than the other. in color: honey, which was difficult, it was not to go into the trap of the autobiography of rose water, which is at the center for grieving. i don't want it. no countries was the only constraint.this is not to say that the reader cannot be moved or touched by this story. countries and should not be confused with emotion. i want readers to be touched, moved by this little boy, 5 years old, he is, he's funny, he made and, ideally, it should consider
.have you read the other autobiographies in comic books before you start playing you? they have had an impact on the achievement of your story? "jung: i read shenzhen and pyongyang guy delisle, and synopsis of lewis trondheim, have a laugh.i have also read blankets of craig thompson and volume 1 and 2 of persepolis which i loved the film. you said yourself from what you say in your book, or did you have to use the stories and memories of people who have crossed your way with you in life? "jung: all those memories was strong in me.of course, some memories are more confused, i was stretching a bit here and there, some fictional, but very little. i realized the volume 1 very quickly, in only 4 months, and i had to look outside the page was my editor. did you read your book to your friends? what were the reactions to those who have read it?how do you think it will be welcomed by those who have not read it? "jung. in fact, the part 1 is not yet out in the bookstore, he won on september 26, vol. 2, i have almost finished out in january. the only people who have read this book is my editor and journalists or relatives who have received a set of copies of the is only when i finished the last page, and i sent it to the production that i really realized that i was going to present to the public a part of my life. but it was too late to go back, which is good, because the passage has been little addressed in comic books. i'm very personal things.but a way out that i have no fear in people's reactions and those of my family. in the end, i often say that it is still a high degree of subjectivity and therefore, anyone has the right to deny what i'm saying. volume 1 covers the period of childhood and into adolescence.the discovery by a police officer on the streets of seoul until the age of 13. - what's the reader in volume 2. "jung: well, my 13 years old, my age, it was a lot of things. adolescence, meeting new people with other korean girls, adopted the design, my trip to japan.and... and other things i can't tell you. you finally went to south korea. "jung: not yet. what do you want from your trip to this country? "jung: what do i want to travel? well, back to the home country. stand by me, my culture, my ancestors and see the famous american orphanage "holt".the namdaemun market in seoul, where the police found me. go to korea to find my family would be a mistake, i'm fully aware of that, and it is for this reason that i don't want to do research as this would be very disappointed if i don't find anything. so, i'll go, and then see what happens once in place.i have a friend in korea adopted was reunited with his parents, she left here about 15 years ago and has founded an association for the adoption of korean origin to return to korea and get a special visa, renewable every two years, with the "work permit". she has been fighting against windmills. it took years, but she's got things are moving and emotional structure, logistics has developed over the years to help adopted to return to visit their country of origin, and for those who want to try to find their families. you've been a little bit in thailand, it was a way to get close to your asian roots. "jung: completely, thailand.
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