je n'ai besoin d'aucune autorisation pour retirer de l'argent de mon compte sauf que lors du premier retrait, l'identification de mon père, ma mère ou mon tuteur sera requise si j'ai moins de 12 ans au moment du retrait.
I don't need any permission to withdraw money from my account except that when the first withdrawal, the identification of my father, my mother or my tutor will be required if I have less than 12 years old at the time of the withdrawal.
I do not need any permission to withdraw money from my account except on first removal, identification of my father, my mother or guardian will be required if I am under 12 years old at the time of withdrawal.
I need no permission to withdraw money from my account except that when the first withdrawal, the identification of my father, my mother or my tutor will be required if i have less than 12 years at the time of withdrawal.