entreprise, créée en 1978, est installée dans un ancien prieuré fondé en 1137 dans le village de Courtefontaine à mi-chemin entre Dole et Besançon en Franche-Comté dans l'Est de la France. Elle emploie, en moyenne, une douzaine de personnes qui pratique une facture artisanale et traditionnelle. Les buffets proportionnés sont en chêne massif, chevillés, finis à la main, ornés de moulures et de sculptures variées et de dorures.
THE company, created in 1978, is installed in a former Priory founded in 1137 in the village of Courtefontaine to halfway between Dole and Besançon in Franche-Comté in Eastern of the France. It employs, on average, a dozen people who practice an artisanal and traditional invoice. Proportionate buffets are solid oak, pegged, finished by hand, decorated with mouldings and various sculptures and gilt.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

company, founded in 1978, is housed in a former priory founded in 1137 in the village of Courtefontaine halfway between Dole and Besançon in Franche-Comté in eastern France. It employs, on average, a dozen people who practice a traditional style bill. The buffets are proportionate solid oak pegged, hand-finished, ornate moldings and various sculptures and gilding.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

company, created in 1978, is installed in a former priory founded in 1137 in the village of Courtefontaine halfway between Dole and Besancon in Franche-comt é in eastern France. It employs, on average, a dozen of people who practice a invoice artisanal and traditional. The buffets proportionate are solid oak, ankles, finished by hand,Decorated with moldings and sculptures varied and gilt.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..