Aujourd hui, dans la classe, le professeur m'a fait écouter un son. J' 번역 - Aujourd hui, dans la classe, le professeur m'a fait écouter un son. J' 영어 말하는 방법

Aujourd hui, dans la classe, le pro

Aujourd hui, dans la classe, le professeur m'a fait écouter un son. J'ai écouté qu'il pleuvait de plus en plus fort, et il y a eu un roulement de tonnerre à la fin. Je pense que c'est un orage. Ca me rappelle un jour comme ça dans mon enfance. Ce jour-là, il faisait beau, il y avait du soleil. J'allait à l'école primaire comme d'habitude. Juste à la fin du dernier cours, soudain, il a fait sombre, et puis il a plu de plus en plus fort, de temps en temps il y a eu des roulements de tonnerre. J ai regardé dehors par la fenêtre de la classe, et je me suis demandé si mes parents viendraient avec un parapluie. J ai attendu, ensuite, le père de mon amie, qui est aussi mon voisin, est arrivé et m'a dit que mes parents lui avaient demandé de m'accueillir chez mon amie. J'étais un peu déçue. Quand je suis rentrée chez moi, mes parents m'ont dit qu'ils espéraient que je sois indépendante.

다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Today, in class, the teacher made me listen to a sound. I heard it was raining more and stronger, and there was a roll of Thunder at the end. I think it's a storm. Reminds me one day like that in my childhood. That day, it was fine, there was sunlight. I went to the primary school as usual. Just at the end of the last course, suddenly, it was dark, and then it rained more and stronger, from time to time there was Thunder bearings. J looked out through the window of the class, and I was wondering if my parents would come with an umbrella. J waited, then, the father of my friend, who is also my neighbor came and told me that my parents had asked me to welcome my friend. I was a little disappointed. When I got home, my parents told me they expected me to be independent. Hélène.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Today, in the classroom, the teacher made ​​me play a sound. I heard it was raining harder and harder, and there was a rumble of thunder in the end. I think this is a storm. Reminds me one day like that in my childhood. That day, it was fine, it was sunny. I was in primary school as usual. Right at the end of the last, suddenly it got dark, and then it rained more and more strong, from time to time there was thunder rolls. J looked out the classroom window, and I wondered if my parents would come with an umbrella. I waited, then, the father of my friend, who is also my neighbor came and told me that my parents had asked him to meet me at my friend. I was a little disappointed. When I went home, my parents told me they expected me to be independent.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
today, in class, the teacher made me listen to her. i have heard that it was raining harder and harder, and there was a roll of thunder at the end. i think it's a storm. it reminds me of a day in my childhood. on that day, it was beautiful, it was the sun. i went to school as usual. right at the end of the last, all of a was dark, and then it rained harder, from time to time there's been rumbles. i looked out of the window of the classroom, and i wondered if my parents would come with an umbrella. i waited, and then my friend's father, who is my neighbor came out and told me that my parents had asked him to meet me at my friend's house.i was a little disappointed. when i got home, my parents told me that they had hoped that i can be independent.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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