Ont dans leurs yeux le bleu  Qui manque à leur décor Les gens du Nord  번역 - Ont dans leurs yeux le bleu  Qui manque à leur décor Les gens du Nord  영어 말하는 방법

Ont dans leurs yeux le bleu Qui ma

Ont dans leurs yeux le bleu
Qui manque à leur décor
Les gens du Nord
Ont dans le cœur le soleil
Qu'ils n'ont pas dehors
Les gens du Nord
Ouvrent toujours leurs portes
A ceux qui ont souffert
Les gens du Nord
N'oublient pas qu'ils
Ont vécu des années d'enfer
Si leurs maisons sont alignées
C'est par souci d'égalité
Et les péniches
Pauvres ou riches
Portent le fruit de leurs efforts
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Have in their eyes blue Missing their decor The people of the North Have the Sun in the heart What they have out The people of the North Always open their doors Those who have suffered The people of the North Do not forget that they Lived through the years of hell If their houses are aligned It is for the sake of equality And barges Poor or rich Bear the fruit of their efforts
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Have in their blue eyes
who lost their decor
have in the heart the sun
They were not outside
always Open up their doors
To those who suffered
Do not forget they
Have years of living hell
if their houses are aligned
This is equal concern
and barges
Rich or poor
Carry the fruit of their efforts
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
in their eyes, the blue background, which is the people in the north have in the heart the sun, that they were not out. the people of the north, are always opened and those who have suffered as a result. the people of the north, do not forget that they have lived through years of hell, if their houses are aligned, it is in the interests of equality and the craft, rich or poor.are the result of their efforts
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
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