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.HomeactualiteconsommationtransportTGV OuiGo Mini-Groupes : billets à 20€
De Vincent RAMARQUES le 10 OCTOBRE 2013 dans consommation

Parallèlement à son offre TGV OuiGo 2013 - 2014 avec 100 000 billets à 10€, la SNCF propose un bon plan permanent pour celles et ceux qui ont pour habitude de voyager en groupe.
Cette promo permet de bénéficier d'un tarif fixe et unique de 20€ par personne (hors promotion, les billets OuiGo sont proposés "à partir de 10€").
TGV OuiGo : les mini groupes du mardi
Régulièrement, la SNCF renouvelle donc son offre TGV OuiGo Mini Groupes. La plupart du temps ces billets sont renouvelés les mardis (d'où notre titre).
L'offre TGV OuiGo Mini Groupes s'adresse uniquement au groupes composés de 4 à 8 individus qui souhaitent voyager en train ensemble. Elle permet de bénéficier d'un tarif unique et fixe de 20€ par personne.
Hormis cela, les mêmes conditions s'appliquent que pour les billets OuiGo classiques. Ainsi, les gares desservies restent les mêmes :

Les offres Mini Groupes TGV OuiGo du mardi : le billet au prix fixe de 20€Marne La Vallée Chessy.Marseille.Lyon Saint Exupéry.Montpellier Saint Roch.Aix en Provence.Valence.Nîmes.Avignon.A cela, il faut également citer ces restrictions :
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good plans & contestsThe good plans in the service of your savingsArchivesActualitedossiersfocus Suridee of the semaineJeuxA connection contacts.HomeactualiteconsommationtransportTGV OuiGo mini-groups: tickets € 20By Vincent RAMARQUES October 10, 2013 in consumptionParallel to its TGV OuiGo 2013-2014 with 100 000 tickets for € 10, the SNCF offers a good permanent plan for those who used to travel in groups.This coupon allows you to benefit from a rate fixed and only € 20 per person (non-promotion, OuiGo tickets are available "from €10").TGV OuiGo: mini Tuesday groupsRegularly, the SNCF therefore renews its offer TGV OuiGo Mini groups. Most of the time these tickets are renewed on Tuesdays (from which our title).The TGV OuiGo Mini groups offer is only for the groups of 4 to 8 individuals wishing to travel by train together. It allows a single rate and fixed €20 per person.Apart from this, the same conditions apply as for conventional OuiGo tickets. Thus, the stations served are the same:Offers Mini group TGV OuiGo from Tuesday: the ticket at the price fixed €20 Marne La Vallée Chessy.Marseille.Lyon Saint Exupery.montpellier Saint Roch.Aix in Provence.valence.nimes.avignon.a this, we can also mention these restrictions:
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]

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Archive ActualitéDossiersFocus surIdée of semaineJeuxA About deContacts .HomeactualiteconsommationtransportTGV Ouigo Mini Groups Tickets 20 € Vincent De RAMARQUES October 10, 2013 in consumption Alongside its TGV offers Ouigo 2013-2014 with 100 000 tickets at 10 €, SNCF has a good permanent plan for those who are accustomed to travel in groups. This promotion allows to benefit from a single, fixed rate of € 20 per person (excluding promotion, Ouigo tickets are available "from € 10"). Ouigo TGV: mini groups Tuesday regularly SNCF TGV thus renewing its offer Ouigo Mini Groups. Most of the time these notes are renewed on Tuesday (hence our title). The TGV offers Ouigo Mini Groups is open only to groups composed from 4 to 8 individuals who wish to travel by train together. It allows to receive a single price and fixed 20 € per person. Aside from that, the same conditions apply as for conventional Ouigo tickets. Thus, more stations are the same: Offers Mini TGV Groups Ouigo Tuesday: the ticket to the fixed price of 20 € Marne La Vallée Saint Chessy.Marseille.Lyon Exupéry.Montpellier Saint Roch.Aix in Provence.Valence.Nîmes.Avignon .A this, we must also mention these restrictions:

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]

Good plans & competition games
good plans in the service of your savings

ActualiteDossiersFocus suridee of the semainejeuxa about contacts
.HomeactualiteconsommationtransportTGV OuiGo Mini-Groupes: tickets at 20 euros
of Vincent SUGGESTIONS the October 10, 2013 in consumption

parallel to its offer TGV OuiGo 2013 - 2014 with 100,000 tickets to 10euros ,The SNCF offers a good permanent plan for those and those who were accustomed to travel in a group.
This promo allows you to benefit from a fixed rate and single 20euros per person (excluding promotion, tickets OuiGo are proposed "from EUR 10 " ) .
TGV OuiGo: the mini groups of Tuesday
regularly, the SNCF therefore renews its offer TGV OuiGo Mini Groups.Most of the time these tickets are renewed on Tuesdays (or our title) .
THE TGV offers OuiGo Mini Groups is directed only to the groups composed of 4 to 8 individuals who wish to travel by train together. It enables you to benefit from a single tariff and fixed 20â ¬ per person.
Apart from this, the same conditions apply as for the tickets OuiGo classics. Thus,The stations remain the same:

The Mini offers Groups OuiGo TGV from Tuesday: the ticket at the fixed price of 20 euros Marne La Vallee Chessy.Marseille.Lyon Saint Exupery.Montpellier Saint Roch.Aix en Provence.Valencia.Nimes.Avignon.Has this, we must also mention these restrictions:
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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