En 1991, le dessinateur belge Jung Sik-jun fait irruption dans le roya 번역 - En 1991, le dessinateur belge Jung Sik-jun fait irruption dans le roya 영어 말하는 방법

En 1991, le dessinateur belge Jung

En 1991, le dessinateur belge Jung Sik-jun fait irruption dans le royaume de la bande dessinée, en publiant le premier album de la série Yasuda avec le scénariste Martin Ryelandt. Quatre albums que son auteur regarde aujourd'hui comme l'oeuvre «d'un dessinateur débutant». Ce 6 juin 2012, Jung et le documentariste, passionné de BD, Laurent Boileau, présentent au public français le film d'animation Couleur de peau : miel, résumé des deux tomes autobiographiques éponymes, publiés aux éditions Quadrants.
Couleur de peau : miel. En fallait-il de la poésie à cet employé de l'agence Holt*, lorsqu'il écrivit cette mention sur la fiche d'adoption du petit Jung Sik-jun ! Il aurait pu tout aussi bien trouver une qualification plus mordante : « jaune », suggère le dessinateur dans l'un des ses albums. Couleur qu'il illustre férocement d'une caricature d'enfant japonais aux dents mal plantées. En 1970, un policier coréen avait trouvé le petit garçon de 5 ans, errant dans les rues de Séoul et l'avait déposé au siège de l'association caritative américaine. De l'autre côté de la planète, en Belgique, une famille, forte déjà de 4 enfants, lui ouvre les bras. C'est dans ce foyer, que le garçonnet déraciné va se construire, à coups de sabre, puis de crayon.

De la BD au film d'animation

A l'origine était l'idée de Laurent Boileau de tourner pour la télévision un documentaire sur le dessinateur Jung, incluant l'inévitable retour au pays natal, la Corée du Sud. Puis, de rencontre en rencontre, l'horizon s'élargit : pourquoi ne pas tourner un film d'animation tiré des albums déjà publiés par Jung ? En cours d'élaboration, les deux compères ne se contentent plus des seules images en 3D. Ils intègrent des images « à plat » pour illustrer les rêves et les cauchemars du jeune Jung. Pour retourner à la réalité, ils utilisent les films familiaux de Super-8 et des bribes de vidéo. Au final, Couleur de peau : miel est une œuvre hybride et c'est justement ce qui fait sa force. Dans le film d'animation, l'intégration des éléments du réel épure le drame intérieur que vit le petit garçon de la bande dessinée originelle.

Le dessin est la première étape de Jung Sik-jun pour narrer son désarroi d'enfant, d'adolescent et d'adulte. Abandon, déracinement et quête d'identité constituent la trilogie qui domine ses angoisses, explique-t-il, au détour d'un coup de pinceau. La sensibilité, née de ces déchirements, le pousse à utiliser dans ses premiers croquis, des teintes, des couleurs, des personnages dotés de détails qui le ramènent vers ses racines. Tous ces éléments « parlent » à ses amis coréens de Belgique, qui l'encourageront dans ce moyen d'expression, devenu aujourd'hui son art.

Sur la voie de la réconciliation

De l'étude de l'histoire et des traditions asiatiques, Jung a sélectionné les thèmes de ses premiers récits. De la lecture des mangas de son enfance, il a retenu la dynamique et le mouvement.

Lorsque Jung s'attaque à son autobiographie dessinée, il gomme toute couleur. Il se raconte en un uniforme gris-brun comme s'il s'agissait de peindre sa vie de la couleur de l'amertume ou de la rancœur à moins que ce ne soit pour marquer une certaine distance émotionnelle. Cette sobriété sait pourtant devenir effrayante lors des scènes de disputes familiales ou oppressante lors de séquences intimes.

Adapté à l'écran cinématographique, le récit est devenu à dominante « miel », une teinte plus douce qui offre son ombre protectrice à toutes les autres. Le gris et le noir sont réservés aux scènes en 2D, oniriques. Comme si les choses commençaient à trouver leur place. Une étape vers l'autoréconciliation ?

Le film est en compétition dans le cadre du festival international d'Annecy (4-9 juin 2012). Il sort en salle ce 6 juin 2012.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
In 1991, the designer Belgian Jung Sik - jun burst in the realm of comics, by publishing the first album of the Yasuda series with writer Martin Ryelandt. Four albums that its author look today as the work "of a beginner Designer. This June 6, 2012, Jung and documentary filmmaker, passionate of BD, Laurent Boileau, presented to the french public the animated film skin color: honey, summary of the two eponymous autobiographical volumes, published by Éditions Quadrants.Skin color: honey. Needed poetry to this employee of the Holt Agency *, when he wrote this statement on the adoption of the small Jung Sik - jun form! He could just as easily find a more biting qualification: 'yellow', suggests the artist in one of his albums. A color that it illustrates fiercely a caricature of Japanese child poorly planted toothbrush. In 1970, a Korean police found the 5-year-old boy, wandering the streets of Seoul and had filed it at the headquarters of the American charity. On the other side of the planet, in Belgium, a family, strong already of 4 children, opened arms. It is in this home that the uprooted boy will be built, Saber, and then pencil strokes.The comic to animation filmOriginally was the idea of Lawrence Boileau turn television of a documentary on the designer Jung, including the inevitable return to the native country, South Korea. Then, meeting by meeting, the horizon widens: why not turn an animated film shot albums already published by Jung? Being developed, the two accomplices are more the only images in 3D content. They incorporate 'flat' images to illustrate the dreams and nightmares of the young Jung. To return to the reality, they use bits and pieces of video and Super-8 home movies. In the end, skin color: honey is a hybrid and it is precisely what makes his strength. In the animated film, the integration of the elements of the real purifies the domestic drama that saw the little boy from the original comics.The drawing is the first stage of Jung Sik - jun to narrate her helplessness of child, adolescent and adult. Abandonment, uprooting and quest for identity constitute the trilogy that dominates his anguish, he explains, at the bend of a sudden brush. The sensitivity born of these rifts, drives him to use in his first sketches, colours, colors, characters with details that bring back to its roots. All these elements 'talk' to his Korean friends of Belgium, who encourage them in this means of expression, has become today his art.On the road to reconciliationThe study of history and Asian traditions, Jung has selected the themes of his early stories. Reading the manga of his childhood, he retained the dynamics and movement.When Jung tackles his comic autobiography, he gum any color. He tells in a grey-brown uniform as if he were to paint its color life of bitterness or resentment unless it is to mark a certain distance emotional. This sobriety knows become frightening when the scenes of family or oppressive disputes during intimate sequences.Adapted to the cinema screen, the story became dominant 'honey', a shade more soft offering its protective shadow to all others. The grey and black are reserved for scenes in 2D, dreamlike. As if things were beginning to find their place. A step towards the autoreconciliation?The film is in competition at the international festival of Annecy (4-9 June 2012). It was released in France this June 6, 2012.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
In 1991, the Belgian cartoonist Jung Sik-jun broke into the realm of comics, publishing the first album of the series with the Yasuda writer Martin Ryelandt. Four albums that its author looks today as the work of "a novice designer." This June 6, 2012, Jung and documentary, comic enthusiast, Laurent Boileau, French present to the public the animated film Skin color: honey, summary of two volumes eponymous autobiography, published in Quadrants editions.
Skin color: honey. As he had poetry in this employee of the agency Holt *, when he wrote this statement on the adoption of small form Sik Jung-jun! He might as well find a more biting qualification "yellow" suggests the designer in one of her albums. Color he fiercely illustrates a Japanese cartoon child to poorly planted teeth. In 1970, a Korean officer had found the little 5 year old boy, wandering the streets of Seoul and filed at the headquarters of the American charity. On the other side of the planet, in Belgium, a family of 4 children already strong, opens her arms. It was in this home, the boy uprooted will be built, with swords and pencil. From comics to animated film Originally the idea was to turn Laurent Boileau for TV documentary Jung on the artist, including the inevitable return home, South Korea. Then, from encounter to encounter, the horizon widens: why not turn an animated film shot albums already published by Jung? In development, the two partners are no longer content of the only 3D images. They include images "flat" to illustrate the dreams and nightmares of the young Jung. To return to reality, they use family film Super-8 and video snippets. In the end, Skin color: Honey is a hybrid work and this is precisely what makes his strength. In the animated film, integrating elements of real purifies the inner drama that saw the little boy of the original comics. The drawing is the first step of Jung Sik-jun to narrate his childhood cleared of teenager and adult. Abandonment, uprooting and search for identity is the trilogy that dominates his anxieties, he explains, the turning of a brushstroke. The sensitivity born of these rifts, pushes him to use in his early sketches, colors, colors, characters with information that return to its roots. All of these "talk" to his Korean friends from Belgium, who will encourage in this art, which is now his art. On the road to reconciliation From the study of history and Asian traditions, Jung has selected the themes of his first stories. Reading manga from his childhood, he learned the dynamics and movement. When Jung attacks his comic autobiography he any gum color. It tells a uniform gray-brown as if it were his life to paint the color of bitterness or rancor unless it is to mark a certain emotional distance. This sober yet knows when to become alarming scenes of family quarrels or oppressive in intimate sequences. Suitable for screen film, the story has become dominant "honey", a softer shade that offers its protective shadow all others. Grey and black are for 2D scenes, dreamlike. As if things were beginning to find their place. A step towards autoréconciliation? The film is in competition at the Annecy International Festival (4-9 June 2012). It released in cinemas this June 6, 2012.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
in 1991, the belgian artist jung sik jun broke into the comic book, with the first album in the series, with writer martin ryelandt direction. four albums as the author look today as the "artist of a beginner. on 6 june 2012, jung, and documentary filmmaker, avid comic book, lawrence boileauprovide the public with the french animated film color: honey, two volumes of autobiography, summary of the eponymous published editions quadrants. color: honey. in need of poetry in that an employee of the agency's "when he wrote the words on the form of adoption of the small jung sik jun! he might as well find a stronger qualification."yellow", suggested that the designer in one of his albums. color is a caricature of japanese children so badly with the teeth. in 1970, a police officer found the korean boy of 5 years, wandering the streets of seoul, and was deposited at the headquarters of the american charity. on the other side of the planet, in belgium, a family of four children, with.to open the arms. it is in this home, the boy pulled will build, swords, and pencil. "the comic book, the animated film" originally was lawrence boileau turn for television documentary on the artist jung, including the inevitable return to the home country. south korea. then, in the year is met.why don't you shoot an animated film from the albums published by jung. in the course of development, the two companions are no longer the only 3-d images. they are "flat" images to illustrate the dreams and nightmares of the young jung. back to reality, they are super 8 home movies and video bits. at the end of the day, color of skin.honey is a hybrid, and that is precisely what is his strength. in the animated movie, the integration of elements of the real drama is treated within the little boy in the original comic book. "the design is the first step of jung sik jun to tell the plight of child, adolescent and adult. abandonment.dislocation and a quest for identity is the trilogy which dominates his fears, he said, by way of a stroke. the sensitivity of these crises was born, is used in the first sketch, colour, colour, with details of the characters back to its roots. all of these "talk" to the korean friends.in this way the will expression now. "on the path of reconciliation," the study of history and tradition in asia, had selected the theme of his first stories. read the comics of his childhood, he learned the dynamics and movement. "in his autobiography. jung went to all color, gum.he's in a uniform grey brown as the color to paint her life of bitterness or resentment, unless this is to mark some emotional distance. in this economy knows be scary scenes of family disputes or oppressive in close sequence. (1) adapted to the cinema screen.the story is dominated by "honey", a little bit too soft shadow protector offers to all the others. the gray and black are limited to 2d scenes, dreamlike. as if things were beginning to find their place. a step towards the autoréconciliation? "the movie is in competition in the framework of the international festival of annecy (4 - 9 june 2012). he's in room 6 june 2012.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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