Le Bret vient voir Cyrano pour lui dire que, vraiment, il exagere. Comment peut-il se comporter ainsi avec le neveu de Richelieu? Cyrano ne veut ni argent ni gloire. Il prefere sa liberte
The Bret comes to see Cyrano to tell him that, really, it exaggerated. How can thus behave with the nephew of Richelieu? Cyrano wants neither money nor glory. He preferred his freedom
Bret comes to see Cyrano to tell him that, really, he exaggerates. How well can he behave Richelieu's nephew? Cyrano does neither money nor fame. He prefers his freedom
the band came to see and to say that, really, he's exaggerating. how can you behave with the nephew of cardinal richelieu. cyrano is neither money nor fame. he prefers his freedom