Il est composé d’un axe routier à deux fois deux ou trois voies dénivelé, d’un pont de franchissement de la baie du Banco, et d’un échangeur au droit de Boribana et de l’aménagement routier sur le quartier d’Adjamé jusqu’à l’échangeur de l’Indénié
It is composed of a highway at two times two or three lanes to a bridge crossing of the Bay of the Banco, and an interchange at the right Boribana and highway development on Adjame district to the interchange of the INDENE
It consists of a road twice two or three uneven roads, a bridge crossing of the Bay of Banco, and an interchange at right Boribana and road development in the area Adjamé to the interchange of Indénié
it is composed of a road with two times two or three lanes, and a bridge for crossing the bay of play, and a heat exchanger to the right of boribana and road construction in the area of television to the interchange of indénié