S. E. Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères Je vous prie d'agréer, Monsi 번역 - S. E. Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères Je vous prie d'agréer, Monsi 영어 말하는 방법

S. E. Le Ministre des Affaires Etra

S. E. Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères

Je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur, mes salutations distinguées.

Veuillez avoir l'amabilité assez pour me permettre de poser quelques questions comme suit à vous et fournir vos réponses en retour de courrier.

1) Avez-vous revu mon CV et, si oui, avez-vous trouvé une cause d'inéligibilité de me désigner comme le consul honoraire à attirer les investissements étrangers à la République de Guinée? Et si vous me considérez admissible, quand pourrais-je vous entendre le résultat?

2) Comme il n'y a pas d'ambassade ou le consulat guinéen en Corée, je voudrais investir pour ouvrir un bureau qui agissent comme un consulat honoraire et organizer, dans le même temps, l'Association Corée-Guinée pour la coopération économique de promouvoir les activités d'investissement des entreprises mondiales basées en Corée. Je voudrais entendre votre opinion sur le sujet.

3) Je soumettais LOI et MOA de EDF, à la fois provisoire, et me demandent quand je peux avoir votre réponse à ce sujet.

4) Je voudrais suggérer que le gouvernement de la Guinée de passer des ordres d'achat, offres ou de soumissions par EDF dans les cas nécessaires pour aider à promouvoir la coopération civile et au niveau gouvernemental entre la Corée et de la Guinée. En outre, je tiens à vous informer que le gouvernement doit mettre en place diverses incitations fiscales et de développer complexe industriel stratégique (à l'exportation) pour encourager les investissements étrangers. Votre avis sur ces idées serait très apprécié.
Hâte de vous entendre, je reste.


S.K. Lee
President-Directeur general

다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
S. E. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Please accept, Sir, my best regards. Please kindly enough to allow me to ask a few questions to you as follows and provide your answers in return of mail. (1) have you reviewed my resume and, if so, have you found a cause of ineligibility to appoint me as honorary consul to attract foreign investments in the Republic of Guinea? And if you consider me eligible, when can I hear you the result? (2) as there is no embassy or Guinean Consulate in Korea, I would like to invest to open an office acting as an Honorary Consulate and organizer, at the same time, the Korea Guinea Association for economic cooperation to promote investment activities of global companies based in Korea. I would like to hear your opinion on the subject. (3) I assented Act and EDF MOA, both provisional and ask me when I can have your answer on this. (4) I would suggest that the Government of Guinea to purchase orders, bids or bid by EDF where necessary to help promote cooperation in civil matters, and at the level of Government between the Korea and Guinea. In addition, I wish to inform you that the Government must put in place various tax incentives and develop strategic industrial complex (for export) to encourage foreign investment. Your opinion on these ideas would be much appreciated.Looking forward to hear from you, I remain. Kind regards S.K. LeePresident & CEO EDF
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
HE Minister of Foreign Affairs Please accept, Excellency, my best regards. Please be so kind enough to allow me to ask some questions as follows to you and provide your answers by return mail. 1) Do you reviewed my resume and if so, have you found a cause of ineligibility to appoint me as the Honorary Consul in attracting foreign investments to the Republic of Guinea? And if you consider me eligible, when will I hear you the result? 2) Since there is no embassy or consulate Guinea in Korea, I would invest to open an office that act as an honorary consulate and organizer At the same time, Guinea-Korea Association for economic cooperation to promote investment activities of global companies based in Korea. I would like to hear your opinion on the subject. 3) I was submitting LOI and MOA of EDF, both provisional and ask me when I have your answer on this. 4) I would suggest that the Government of Guinea to go purchase orders, offers or tenders by EDF in necessary cases to help promote civilian cooperation at government level and between Korea and Guinea. In addition, I wish to inform you that the Government must implement various tax incentives and develop strategic industrial complex (export) to encourage foreign investment. Review these ideas would be much appreciated. Look forward to hearing from you, I remain. Sincerely SK Lee General President and Chief EDF

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
his excellency the minister for foreign affairs, "" please accept, sir, my best wishes. "please, enough to allow me to ask a few questions to read to you and provide answers in return mail.

1) did you see my resume, and, if so,did you find any ineligible to nominate as honorary consul to attract foreign investment in the republic of guinea. and if you think you qualify, when can i hear it? "(2) there was no embassy or consulate had in korea.i would like to invest to open an office as an honorary consulate and organizer, and at the same time, the association of korea, guinea, for economic cooperation to promote the investment activities of global firms based in korea, i would like to hear your views on the subject.

3) / i comply law and problems. at the same time, provisionaland when can i have your reply. "i would like to suggest that the government of guinea to take orders, bids or tenders for it where necessary to promote cooperation with civil society and the government of korea and the republic of guinea. in addition.i would like to inform you that the government has put in place a number of tax incentives and develop strategic industrial complex (export) in order to encourage foreign investment. your opinion on these ideas would be highly appreciated. looking forward to hearing from you, i'll stay.

k. lee, love. - director general in the edf
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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