ELECTION DE DOMICILE Pour l’exécution des présentes et de leurs suites 번역 - ELECTION DE DOMICILE Pour l’exécution des présentes et de leurs suites 영어 말하는 방법


Pour l’exécution des présentes et de leurs suites, les parties font élection de domicile en leur demeure ou siège respectifs.

Les parties affirment, sous les peines prévues par l’article 1837 du Code Général des Impôts, que les présentes conventions expriment l’intégralité du prix convenu.
Fait à Caumont l’Eventé,
Le 10 septembre 2014.
En un seul original, par dérogation expresse à l’article 1325 du Code Civil, original qui, dans l’intérêt des parties et de convention expresse restera déposé en l’office notarial chargé de la regularization, lequel, en cas de difficultés, en fera le dépôt au rang de ses minutes, à la requête de l’une ou l’autre des parties.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
for execution hereof and their aftermath, the parties make election of domicile in their respective residence or seat.

ASSERTION of sincerity
the parties affirm, under the penalties provided for in article 1837 of the Code Général des Impôts, that these agreements express the entirety of the agreed price.
In Caumont the vented,
September 10, 2014.
In a single original, by express derogation from article 1325 of the Civil Code, original which, in the interest of the parties and express agreement will be placed in the notarial office in charge of the regularization, which, in case of difficulty, will make the deposit to the rank of his minutes, at the request of one or the other of the parties.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
For the implementation of these and their consequences, the parties elect domicile in their home or respective seat. STATEMENT OF SINCERITY The parties affirm, under the penalties provided by section 1837 of the General Tax Code, as these agreements represent all of the agreed price. Done at Caumont Eventé, September 10, 2014. As a single original, by express exception to Article 1325 of the Civil, original Code in the interest of the parties and by express agreement will be placed in the notary office responsible for regularization, which, in case of difficulties, will make the deposit to the rank of his minutes at the request of either party.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
For the execution of the present and their suites, the parties are election of domicile in their remains or respective seat.

ASSERTION OF sincerity
The parties affirm, under the penalties provided for by article 1837 of the General Tax Code, that the present conventions express the entirety of the agreed price.
Done at Caumont the vented,
The September 10, 2014.
In a single original, by express derogation to article 1325 of the Civil Code, original who, in the interest of the parties and of express agreement shall remain deposited in the notarial office responsible for the regularization, which, in case of difficulties, will make the deposit to the rank of its minutes, at the request of one or the other of the parties.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
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