i know it sounds strange, but i am in the fourth and asked me to write a proff material, referring to "a happy memory for me bonheur.je procuréé shall specify the circumstances and feelings, emotions eprouvés. my recit must: * be clear,% (he was the first to be drafted.use the time of the recit imperfect and / or past simple) circumstances, the sentiments articulated
spelling, conjugation and sentence construction, and properly treated (* recit writing treated and presented i had planned to tell my birthday, and i start, i was sitting in my room do homework in a quiet.and then, when i had finished, i came down in the dining room and turned on the light, all of a sudden, all of my friends and my family arrived and shouted "thank birthday, i was very scared, so that my legs trembled and my heart beat very fast, but i was so happy.there were balloons. multicolors everywhere and full of candy and cookies on the buffet every etalés it was heartwarming, my eyes were filled with tears of joy, i was really having some anniversary unexpected. it was the happiest day of my life, forever engraved in my heart, do not pay attention to spelling = $.in my text i feel that something is missing it is not full, too short, maybe i is not inspiration, so i'd like you to tell me what you think, thank you for the help smile.
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