f) demeurer valide pendant trente jours (30) après l’expiration de la durée de validité de l’offre, y compris si la durée de validité de l’offre est prorogée selon les dispositions de la clause19.2 des IC.
(f) remain valid for thirty days (30) after the expiry of the period of validity of the offer, including whether the validity of the offer is extended according to the provisions of the clause19.2 of the IC.
f) remain valid for thirty (30) days after the expiration of the period of validity of the offer, including whether the validity of the offer is extended in accordance with the provisions of the clause19.2 IC.
(f) remain valid for thirty days (30) after the expiry of the period of validity of the tender, including the offer period is extended in accordance with the provisions of the clause19.2 of ic.