Le Groupe FERALP, depuis plus de 50 ans, a pour vocation l'aménagement 번역 - Le Groupe FERALP, depuis plus de 50 ans, a pour vocation l'aménagement 영어 말하는 방법

Le Groupe FERALP, depuis plus de 50

Le Groupe FERALP, depuis plus de 50 ans, a pour vocation l'aménagement des espaces de stockage et d'archivage dans lesquels il organise le rangement de produits et archives de toutes natures, la gestion de production et la préparation des commandes.

La clientèle du Groupe FERALP est extrémement diversifiée stimulée par une offre large, complémentaire et ciblée. La marque FERALP est principalement dédiée au secteur tertiaire comprenant surtout les administrations, les collectivités territoriales et les professions libérales. Sous la marque ETTAX, une gamme étendue de rayonnages métalliques, plate-formes, vestiaires, mobilier d'atelier et d'équipements périphériques est proposée aux entreprises industrielles de toutes tailles. MUSEO et ATLANTIS, filiales spécialisées dans l'équipement des sites culturels (musées, médiathèques, bibliothèques, centres culturels,....) complètent l'approche segmentée du marché.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
The FERALP group, since more 50-year-old is designed storage spaces and archive in which he organized the products storage and archives of all natures, production management and the preparation of orders.Group FERALP customer is extremely diverse stimulated offers broad, complementary and targeted. The FERALP brand is mainly dedicated to the tertiary sector including especially Governments, local authorities and the liberal professions. Under the brand name ETTAX, a wide range of metal shelving, platforms, cloakrooms, furniture workshop and peripheral equipment is available to industrial companies of all sizes. MUSEO and ATLANTIS, subsidiary specialized in equipment of cultural sites (museums, libraries, libraries, cultural centres,...) complement the segmented approach to the market.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
FERALP the Group for over 50 years, is dedicated to the development of repositories and archiving in which it organizes the storage and archive products of all kinds, production management and order preparation. The customer FERALP the Group is extremely diversified stimulated by a wide range, complementary and focused. FERALP the brand is mainly dedicated to the tertiary sector including government, local government and the professions. Under the brand ETTAX, a wide range of metal shelving, platforms, changing rooms, shop furniture and peripheral equipment is available to industrial companies of all sizes. MUSEO and ATLANTIS, subsidiaries specializing in equipment for cultural sites (museums, libraries, libraries, cultural centers, ....) complete the segmented market approach.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
The Group FERALP, for more than 50 years, has for vocation the management of storage spaces and archiving in which it organizes the storage of products and archives of all natures, the management of production and preparation of commands.

The clientele of the Group FERALP is extremely diversified stimulated by offering a broad, complementary and targeted.The mark FERALP is mainly dedicated to the tertiary sector including especially the administrations, territorial communities and the professions. Under the trademark ETTAX, a wide range of shelving metal, platforms, locker rooms, furniture workshop and peripheral equipment is proposed to industrial enterprises of all sizes. Museo and ATLANTIS,Specialized subsidiaries in the equipment of cultural sites (museums, libraries, libraries, cultural property, .... ) complement the segmented approach of the market.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
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