IV. - In accordance with international rules, the technical investigation is of the competence of the French authorities for the accidents and incidents of civil aviation which are occurring:
1° on the territory or in the French airspace ;
2° outside the territory or of French airspace,If the accident or the incident affects an aircraft registered in France or operated by a natural person or legal entity having in France its registered office or its principal establishment and if :
- the accident or incident occurring on the territory or in the airspace of another State, the latter does not open a technical survey ;
- The accident or incident concerning an aircraft registered in another State, the latter does not open a technical investigation.
The French authorities may delegate to a member State of the European Community the achievement of all or part of the technical investigation.They may also delegate to a non-member State of the European Community the realization of a survey, based on an incident in an aircraft registered in that State or investigations related to events that occurred on the territory of this State.The French authorities may accept the delegation by a foreign State to the realization of all or part of a technical investigation.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..