Ryu décide de s'accorder une semaine de vacances, dans un lieu calme et mystérieux. A l'agence de voyage, on l'oriente vers une île isolée, désertée car une vieille croyance le prétend interdite aux hommes. Arrivé sur l'île, malgré un panneau d'avertissement, il s'aventure dans ce qui semble être un lieu sacré. Il tombe en admiration devant une statue, 2 soeurs jumelles. L'une d'entre elle prend vie, danse, et prend sa vie ... le transformant en statue.
Shu, la soeur de Ryu, s'inquiète de la disparition de son frère, d'autant qu'elle fait des rêves étranges. Elle décide de se rendre à son tour sur l'île.
Ryu decides to take a week's holiday in a calm and mysterious place. Travel agency, steered him to an isolated, deserted island as an old belief claimed forbidden to men. Arrived on the island, despite a warning sign, he ventured into what appears to be a sacred place. He fell in awe before a statue, 2 twin sisters. One of them comes to life, dancing, and takes his life... into statue.Shu, the sister of Ryu, is concerned about the disappearance of his brother, so she made of strange dreams. She decides to go to turn on the island.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

Ryu decides to grant a week's holiday in a quiet and mysterious place. At the travel agency, it is moving towards a remote island, deserted because an old belief alleges forbidden to men. Arriving on the island, despite a warning sign, he ventured into what appears to be a sacred place. He falls in awe of a statue, two twin sisters. One of them comes to life, dancing, and takes his life ... turning it into a statue.
Shu, sister of Ryu, is concerned about the disappearance of his brother, especially as she had dreams strange. She decides to go to turn on the island.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

ryu decides to give a week's holiday in a quiet place and mysterious. the travel agency is moving towards an isolated island, not as an old belief is prohibited for men. arrived on the island, despite a warning sign, they venture into what appears to be a sacred place. he is in awe of the statue, two twin sisters.one's life dance, and takes his own life. turning him into a statue. there, the sister of ryu, is concerned about the disappearance of her brother, as she has strange dreams. she decided to go to the tower on the island.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..