born on february 28, 1978, in brussels, he has very early on to a career in illustration. after a box art, he obtained a diploma of computer graphics at the institute of saint luc. he is currently enrolled at the school of the arts where he is working on april - the house in the last 3 years, a degree of fine arts education in the academy. in 1999,he began to teach in the course design, and for young people. at the same time, it has different artwork for advertising agencies, universities, local authorities, as of 2002, it is occasionally in the colour for the magazine spirou and in 2003 for the album and glénat editions. in april 2003,1 volume of his series "mygala" appears to nucléa editions. in 2005 in the sun to 1 volume of his series "samurai" in collaboration with his friend and former teacher ", jean francois di giorgio.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..