- 1 ou 2 anguilles préparées selon la taille- 60 g de beurre- 1 oignon 번역 - - 1 ou 2 anguilles préparées selon la taille- 60 g de beurre- 1 oignon 영어 말하는 방법

- 1 ou 2 anguilles préparées selon

- 1 ou 2 anguilles préparées selon la taille
- 60 g de beurre
- 1 oignons
- 1 gousse d'ail
- du thym, du laurier
- 1 verre de vin rouge
- 5 cl d’eau
- 1 grosse cuillerée à café de farine
- sel, poivre

Coupez l'anguille en tronçons. Faites fondre le beurre et laissez revenir les oignons hachés et l'ail. Ajoutez ensuite le thym, le laurier et laissez infuser quelques minutes. Ajoutez les tronçons d'anguille et lorsqu'ils sont dorés, enlevez les de la poêle et réservez.

Ajoutez une grosse cuillère de farine dans le fond de la poêle avec les matières grasses qui ont servi à cuire l'anguille, chauffez à feu moyen puis ajouter le verre de vin et l’eau pour allonger la sauce. Laissez l'alcool s'évaporer pendant 10 minutes puis remettre les anguilles à mijoter dans la sauce pendant 20 minutes à feu doux. Salez, poivrez et dégustez.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
-1 or 2 eel prepared by size-60 g butter-1 onions-1 clove of garlic-thyme, Laurel-1 glass of red wine-5 cl water-1 big teaspoon flour -salt, pepperCut the eel in sections. Melt the butter and let the onions and garlic. Then add the thyme, Bay leaves and let steep for a few minutes. Add the eel and sections when they are golden brown, remove them from the Pan and reserve.Add a big spoonful of flour in the bottom of the pan with fats that have been used to cook eel, heat over medium heat then add the glass of wine and water to the sauce. Let the alcohol evaporate for 10 minutes then restart eels to simmer in the sauce for 20 minutes on low heat. Salt, pepper and enjoy.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
- 1 or 2 depending on the size eels prepared
- 60 g butter
- 1 onion
- 1 clove garlic
- thyme, bay leaf
- 1 glass of red wine
- 5 ounces of water
- 1 large teaspoon of flour
- salt, pepper Cut the eel into pieces. Melt the butter and let brown the chopped onions and garlic. Then add the thyme, bay leaves and let steep a few minutes. Add the eel sections and when they are golden brown, remove from pan and set aside. Add a large spoonful of flour in the bottom of the pan with the fat that were used to cook eels, heat over medium heat then add the wine and water to extend the sauce. Allow the alcohol to evaporate for 10 minutes then turn the eels to simmer in the sauce for 20 minutes on low heat. Add salt and pepper and enjoy.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
- 1 or 2, prepared according to the size- 60 g of butter- 1.one clove of garlic- thyme, laurelone glass of red wine5 ounces of waterone teaspoonful of meal fat- salt and peppercut the eel into sections. melt butter and give back the chopped onions and garlic. then add the thyme, laurel, and let steep for a few minutes. eel and add sections when they are golden brown, remove and reserve of the stove.add a big spoonful of flour in the bottom of the pan with the fat was used to bake eel heat over medium heat, then add the wine and water to add to the sauce. let the alcohol to evaporate for 10 minutes then put the eel sauce simmer for 20 minutes on low heat. salt, poivrez and enjoy.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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